Making a Marie Antoinette Cupcake Display Doll

The last time I had a craft fair for my Mai Sweet Shop, I really wanted to make a Marie Antoinette Display doll to house my cupcake carousel and never found the time. A while back when I was browsing through cyberspace, I saw a gorgeous old porcelain display doll and I never forgot it. I went to A.C. Moore and bought a generic plastic doll. I plucked her legs off (sorry legs). Using a Dremel I cut the pelvic area off and drilled holes along the bottom edge of the torso.
I drilled holes with a Dremel
Reader Comments (5)
Thank you so much for your visit and your kind comments. Your Marie doll project looks fantastic already, can't wait to see it finished!
~ Gabriela ~
I love this doll idea! It is going to be soooo amazing with your cupcakes inside! Marie Antoinette and her little cakes is awesome! I also like seeing the production, process shots! Can't wait to see the finished project.
this is divine! i LOOOOVE THE FABRIC. LOVE
Hi Amarettogirl! I am so glad you like the Gossip Guide! Your 'faux cakes' are really great! I love this cupcake carosel, with the bird detail! It is so creative! I bet you could make these for weddings :o)
Wow Mari, this project is looking wonderful. Cant wait to see it finished.