Halloween Dreams Begin

So its that wonderfully glorious time of year again when us creatives who are wild about Halloween start to emerge out of our underground stupor. Halloween is coming and this year it falls on a Saturday!!! Hooray!! For the last six years my husband and I have thrown a murder mystery dinner party that we go all out for - though I haven't thought (silly me) to share any of that here on my blog - but now I will - so get ready for some Halloween Inspired posts!!

Even though I wasn't too big a fan of Martha Stewart and her aesthetic in the past, I have been wholeheartedly won over for the last six years by her annual Halloween issue (of the magazine), which is outstanding, classy and vital if you're a Halloween freak like me! Martha Stewart's team is the first and really only group I have seen treat halloween with a high concept driven and sophisticated quality.
Another great Halloween reference tool (specifically for DIY costumes) is Threadbanger.
Personally I love to make large sculptural wearable costumes and I often find that Threadbanger has wonderful DIY tips on how to make countless halloween appendages like wings, steampunk and various other goulish treats.
This year I'm particularly interested (as I'm sure many others now are) in Martha Stewart's white out contact lenses (the ones featured on the cover of her MSL halloween issue.
So stay posted for LOTS of great ideas for your 2009 halloween, great halloween costume, decorating and murder mystery tips!
Reader Comments (1)
ewwwwww... :-)