Reconsidering Columbus Day

AND REMEMBER: BE HERE TOMORROW to be a part of the blog tour for Rosie Molinary's New Book Beautiful You a Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance there will be a fantastic podcast interview (my first podcast eva!) that you can listen to, a book review and a GIVEAWAY of a bright, new, shiny copy of the book!
So you know where to be tomorrow!!!-Ciao Amarettogirl
Reader Comments (2)
You are wonderful and beautiful. Awesome stuff, role model.
The book looks fab.
I really enjoyed the interview.
Definitely able to relate to many of the points made.
Especially the one where it's just about getting over yourself and into something else that actually matters to you, like your passions. Just being ready to accept that the outside isn't the only thing that matters, even when you know it.
I think about that often.
Thanks for conducting the interview; it's important to hear from somebody who's been there.
(I was late to comment so I just decided to comment here instead just to provide my input, heh)