Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

New Music Find & A Day in My Life

Water and Weed Wednesday was a washout today because of our cold front, gray clouds and perpetual rain.

I've finally determined the perfect spot to build the coop on and can't wait to show the space, but I'll do that on a clear day.

While over at my friend Sal's blog LOVE QUIRKY I discovered some new music. I have picky music tastes so when I find music I like its always love a good thing, but to top it off, the video that acccompanies the song is visually stunning! It was done in a cool bluish palette with dark somber and simple forms that are just beautiful. There are some art historical references in it too, like a Dutch master-inspired still life.

Though the video is a bit conceptual, I still think it's really sequential and fascinating all the while. My favorite visuals are the german shepherd and the floating house slowly eroding and decomposing. I hope you all enjoy it as much as Sal and I did!

The song is called "What else is there?" by Royksopp featuring Karin Dreijer Andersson of 'The Knife' an electro pop duo from Sweden (thanks Sal!)

Oh BTW, click off that ad on the bottom right as soon as the video starts so that it doesn't distract your experience!

A Day in My Life

On my long, traffic-filled drive home from work today, I realized my days may seem average and 'normal' to me, but really are a bit out of the oridinary to others.

And since I have yet to start tweeting, I thought I might share a 5 point bullet synopsis of my day with you all.

a soldering gun
  • met with my personal advisees and discussed their concerns which at this moment are prom and dj related
  • downloaded the murder mystery game materials for the senior student workshop/selective I'm teaching/hosting next week- got the sign up sheet and began assigning character roles to each student
  • Taught sculpture class and assisted my students to cut glass, wrap copper tape and solder with smokin'hot soldering guns. I did this all while keeping them excited despite the lack-of-instant-gratification they're experiencing (unlike the rest of their lives). They're making three-dimensional cold-connection, Stained glass sculptures.
  • have a one hour lunch meeting (not usual) with a prospective new administrative leader asking pertinent and viable questions about arts and, in and with education
  • teach a graphic design course in which I introduce the interior design catalog project and motivate students to finish their business card assignment

The Ash Grove Doll House 

Thanks to all you supporters of my Chicken venture! This city girl turning country is sure to meet some bumps in the road so stay tuned!

Its been a bizarre week and yesterday was no exception. I received notice from My Pet Chicken that the chicks won't be shipped now until the 14th of June (as opposed to the 7th) so that sets my summer plans back a week (but thats ok). I smacked my ankle into a metal easel that was sitting on the classroom floor and got sea-sick from a particular onion and potato soup. All that said, I've been feeling really fatigued and think I may not have caught up with myself from the frenzy of last week.

Like I've mentioned here before, some of the best medicine is simply having a new creative project to sink my teeth into. And though I have more than my share of those right now, one in particular that I'm anxious to share with you all is a real honor that has just been bestowed upon me.

My mother-in law, Ellen Emery's doll house handmade by her grandfather George H. Clarkson

I've been named the family shepherd/ guardian of a priceless family heirloom, my mother-in-law's childhood dollhouse. My mother-in-law is Ellen Emery, and this dollhouse was hand-made by her grand-father George H. Clarkson. George was a wonderful wood-worker. For most of Ellen's life the dollhouse has been in her parents home, the Ash Grove in Ithaca NY. It arrived to my home this weekend straight from the Ash Grove and it is in need of some serious TLC, which is exactly what I plan to give it.

The house survived the four hour car drive and some years of dust-collecting. It is fully wired for electronic lights. I'm so excited to get in there replace some badly aged carpets, clean up all the furniture, revive, and refresh everything. I'll be sure share my breathing some new life into this beautiful handmade structure with you all - and try to maintain its original integrity and authenticity for its true owner.

untouched dollhouse residents and furniture a stove from the original set of furniture in the houseAn Organ in need of some TLC a ramshackled room a magnetic chessboard set the second floor stairwell

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Getting Ready to Raise Some Chickens!

As soon as my seniors graduate this year I am going to console my achy breaky heart by beginning a new venture - Raising Chickens! I've given this a whole lot of thought for almost a year now and it took about a year and half of convincing my hub!

Keeping Pet Chicken by William Windham & Joe Stahlkuppe

Thanks to an awesome informative site like My Pet Chicken and one spontaneous episode of Martha Stewart on raising chickens when both the hub and I happened to be home and watching...the decision has been finalized.

As of two minutes ago - I just clicked purchase and have placed an order with MyPetChicken for a dozen chicks (knowing I will most likely have only 8-10 to raise since they all don't always make it). They are scheduled for shipping on June 7th and graduation is June 6th.

One of the great aspects of this venture is that I'm a blogger - so if you ever wondered if you could venture into raising chickens you can follow this chicken novice (moi) here on my blog- from delivery, to creating the initial brooder to building a coop - in June its all going to happen right here!

Now check out the new soon to be members of my fam:

4 Easter Eggers - ©2005-2010 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. 2 SL Wyandottes ©2005-2010 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. 2 RhodeIlse Reds ©2005-2010 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. 2 Australorps ©2005-2010 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. 2 Buff Orpingtons as Chicks ©2005-2010 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC.

All the chickens will arrive as 72 hour old chicks, and I am so excited and nervous (whenever another living creature is involved I think its wise to be a bit of both).

I can't wait to start building the coop. I found another blogger that is a serious inspiration for a beginning chicken caretaker like me- her blog is Vintage Garden Gal and I urge you to check out her stunning coops!

You know with the bee-keeping laws lifted off of NYC and quite a few people finding creative ways to raise chickens in urban dwellings - it seems remiss to not utilize my Jersey yard like this! The hub and I have decided this is the BEST anniversary gift, one that keeps on giving!


Ciao Amarettogirl


My Finished Hobo Bag!

So the leather handles and magnetic snap from Quilt Plus came the other night- just when I was feeling so low! I was so excited to sew them on, I started immediately and the bag became an awesome therapy session. Here is my one of my student's AK modeling it - and these are quite fun pics since that's my coffee and phone she is using as props!;))

AK modeling an Amarettogirl Hobo Bag

Quite a few folks have been asking me if I plan on making more of these bags and I think I will!

I really loved making it and it's the first time I've ever used any kind of quilting squares technique. Gathering a collection of matching fabrics is the most fun part. In fact my mom is beginning to collect her own matching fabrics so I can make one custom to her.

Have a wonderful weekend folks and may something creative get you out of a hump the next time you encounter one!

-Ciao Amarettogirl



sad m.diaz

Remember that Easter Basket Giveaway of an estimated $75 internet value that I simply wanted to give away?

Well, I was very proud of that Giveaway and so happy my penpal at the time Salmezan from LoveQuirky won it fair and square.

However, I shipped it out to England on the 10th of April and it cost me $40 whopping bucks to send... I feverishly checked Sal's blog hoping she got the package. Then because of the halt on flights due to volcanic ash it sat somewhere in the world of undelivered mail.

Now on May 5th it finally is deliverable and its being held up in customs somewhere and their asking for another $16. and change!!! What is wrong with this world when free gift can't even be free??

THe undelivered Basket

Its been a tough- super BUSY week of managing the Advanced Placement Studio Art test (tomorrow is Dday), completing freelance plaques for the school and supporting my students through their days, as well as teaching.

I'm exhausted and just as I was hoping to get some good news I learned this.

Well I think its fine time for a good 'ol fashion black & white movie, some ice cream and some dog face-licking!

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Water and Weed Wednesday

garden flower by m.diaz Our first batch of carrots! Our carrotsthe lot

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Sass Up For Summer!

Well its getting warm out here and that means some great opportunities to be outside are beginning to abound.

Get ready to take great pics this summer with new blogger Amy from Lemon & Raspberry and her FREE e-book on three simple ways to improve your photography.

I LOVE this PDF! It's quick to download, clear, concise, witty and is structured in a well-organized teaching style. Best of all- its completely FREE!

But like all good blog visitors, if you download Lemon & Raspberry's PDF why don't you consider leaving her a comment and letting her know Amarettogirl sent you:) I get nothing out of it other than the joy supporting and sharing GOOD, accessible information with you all!

Heather Ross fabric still sold in fat quarters only by Blije Olifantje

When I think of summer, one of the many things that come to mind are bodies of water...and they in turn make me think of mermaids...which these days make me think of Heather Ross and her now hard-to-get- mermaid fabric! Heather Ross designed this line with Free Spirit and now it is discontinued... so sad when good things come to an end! She is a wonderful artist (with a fun illustration portfolio) and it has been such a great joy to find her blog!

heather ross fabrics

So my plan to sass up for summer...use some Heather Ross fabric to make this awesome skirt: Beautiful Summer Skirt PDF tutorial for $9. by Hyperart


-Ciao Amarettogirl


Mystery Project Revealed!

Remember this:

Well its been a few days now and finally all you clever readers started to get it right!

A very good friend of mine, Linda Gargano of Fruition Dolls & Gifts gave me a sewing kit for Christmas. Inside of the kit were all sorts of surprises including button earrings and a paper pattern and instructions from Quilt Plus an online fabric shop that sells DIY sewing patterns.

The pattern was for a project that I was concerned would be too small for my liking so I had to modify it- For example, instead of the prescribed 22 squares of fabric I used 34, which gave me a chance to add some of my preferred fabrics like Heather Ross mermaids and tattoo- inspired fabric.

An inside pocket I made for my mystery project

I'm an autodidact person and a visual learner, so even the best laid out instructions can stifle me. I usually struggle with and dismiss any patterns - instead I simply have to hold, see and analyze something to figure it out for myself.

I had to sew all the squares together, make a lining with an inside pocket, FOLD it in half and start to sew it together.

Inner Liningfolded and inside out before sewing together

Well I'm sure you can start to see it all come together, readers had some really creative ideas. Some of you thought it was a picnic blanket, dooms day device and others a quilt (since quilt techniques are employed).

Quilt Plus has such a great design of how to engineer the pattern of squares into a three dimensional form that I thought it was truly brilliant even with my modification! So HANG ON...

WAIT FOR IT....drumroll please....IT's A HOBO BAG!! Hobo Bag modified pattern by QuiltPlus made by m. diaz HobobagfrontHobobag backpeek inside of the hobobag by m.diaz

I finally finished...uh, hmm well close enough...I still have to buy the leather handles (which QuiltPlus sells!)

I'm so excited about the bag and I think it will look GREAT with jeans!

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Sunday Musings- Project Ourway was an Arts Success!!

Today I went to the Azucarera gallery to retrieve my artwork. Now I have to photograph it, then I will parcel the sold pieces out to their respective buyers. So sad to see the loved ones go...
However, I maintain copyright so I'll have digital reproductions of the original art available in smaller and more affordable scale here on the website!

Last night my students exhibited a wonderful artstravaganza, a phenomenal Project Ourway!

project Ourway banner by Isabella Whitney & Hadar Naftalovich The What is Art wall with Balloon collage by artist Hanna Lefcourt

The event was such a wonderful mix of all forms of art; music, animation, performance, design, fashion and expression it was exhilarating! One of my favorite parts was the interactive 'what is art' wall at the entrance of the event. I really like the balloon by my design student Hanna also!

To think this is a student driven,designed, created event is just so impressive there are no words for it!

I've included some pen drawings by artist James Griffiths - click this thumbnail to see the full image.

I read a poem from the Nuyorican Poets cafe and my hub performed in one of the short one-act plays along with the students.

Here are some more pics of the night and a video of the show's finale - a fashion show

wall of student artwall of student art 2 students singing at Project Ourway 2010 Isabella Whitney doing a poetry reading

young UP and Coming Fashion Designer, AK Debuted her line click play to see

I'm still working on the mystery project here is a sneak peek.

Sneek Peek to mystery project by me!

So far only one reader has guessed the correct answer! I think I'll be done by tonight;))

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Project Ourway

The mystery project from the last post is still in the works so check back soon to find out what it is!!
Everybody's guesses were so much fun to read:)

Project Ourway Poster

I happen to be the faculty advisor to a fantastic student club - formally known as Poster Club - as of last year we are now - The Promotional Arts Society and our fearless student leader, Isabella Whitney, was one of last years founders of a new yearly event - Project Ourway.

This year, Project Ourway is this Saturday-tomorrow! Students will:

Do a collaboration of the visual and performing arts, with student artwork on exhibit, stop-motion animation, videos, student-written and student-directed performances, spoken word, and a wearable art show.

I was so blessed to develop the original stop-motion animation curriculum that inspired last years amazing round-up of animations. This year they're still coming strong despite me! Here is a sneek peek to a stop -motion created by one of my hub's art students for this year's Project Ourway- Libby Ward:

So if you're around come enjoy the artstravaganza!

-Ciao Amarettogirl