Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

Two New Inspiring Art Books 

Hunt & Gather by Tina Ziegler NYCI bought these two books, Hunt & Gather and Illustration Now! Vol.3 as Birthday gifts for my hub and we LOVE them! They are VERY inspiring.

One thing I like to tell my students and remind myself of, is that we don't live in bubble. It is so great, if you are able, to go to galleries, contemporary museums and see publications of what is currently happening in the art world and have your pulse on what your contemporaries are toiling with.

I often think that (unless you live in Brooklyn) or other up and coming 'art' communities many of us creatives today live the opposite of Monet's Giverny, isolated.

Not really by Monet's choice, Giverny turned into thriving artist colony where writers, dancers, painters and creatives of the time collected to live, breathe and make around eachother. These two books help me feel connected and a part of something bigger in the art world that is still breathing and living.

Jason Jackeno featured in Hunt & Gather Tina Ziegler

This book has a beautiful coffee-table spread of images of new contemporary artists that work in a variety of styles.

This striking collection of surrealism, pop art, illustration, collage, graphic design and mixed media represents many of today's most boundary-pushing artists. Aspects of this collection are dark, at times macabre, but these images are complemented by arrestingly playful pieces, and accompanied by first-person texts that shed light on how and why these individuals make their art.
- from Hunt & Gather website

Illustration Now!3 Ed Julius Wiedemann

Illustration Now! 3 is another great book. I love to see illustration work because it is my first love. I have affairs with glass, but illustration is my life mate.

From magazines and newspapers to ads, websites, album covers, and even mobile phone wallpaper, illustration is a crucial element in visual communication today. With unlimited creative possibilities, illustration is as unbound as imagination itself; whether it's a simple pencil drawing, an ornate airbrushed painting, or a computer-generated image, an illustration speaks the international language of ideas.
- from Illustration Now!3 website

Christina Drejenstam in Illustration Now!3

Well, the Driftwear Giveaway is still on.

I'm so excited that I am slowly, but surely, fixing up this site. I just updated the Glass Art portfolio!! I'm still not finished, check it out here and let me know what you think!

- Ciao Amarettogirl

Flowering Fruit Trees

My fruit tress are flowering Yay!! I'm so excited, especially because I didn't expect the apple tree to make it, (as it bends kind of bizarrely out from the ground). We never really anchored it well when we planted it. I'm hoping they start providing us with some apples and pears soon! These pics are inspiring to me.

My Flowering Apple Tree- the first year! photo by m.diaz My Flowering Pear tree photo by m. diaz The OhHI! prize I won!!

As for the package, thats the prize I won from indie biz OhHi! shop which by the way, is going retail read all about it here! Love her stuff,it's immaculate and SEW well done! Quirky and elegant at the same time! I'm thinking I might be stopping by her etsy shop more often!

Well, I'm off to the studio to get something new done.

I'm in the mood to draw. I'm also in the mood to work on a handmade Kokeshi inspired laptop bag for one of my darling students, Emi Boscamp, before she goes off to college. I almost have all my lines memorized...lets see what happens...stay tuned.

- Ciao Amarettogirl

The Driftwear GVWAY is on 'til April 19th!

Fun News and New Giveaway to celebrate Driftwear!

My new 'Rettogirl' blog widget is finally UP and grab-able! So if you have a blog, feel free to grab the code (just copy and paste it into your sidebar) and place little 'ol Rettogirl on your page! Now that I know how to do this, I'm looking forward to making new widgets!

Widgets can be kind of tricky (especially if coding is not your forte) so I'm pretty proud.

As for memorizing my lines - thanks for all the stress-free suggestions. I found a FANTASTIC Iphone app called Mentalcase and an online study program that exchanges with mentalcase called Flashcard Exchange. I've been able to first study my cards on the phone then record audio with each of the lines and play it like a slide show, so all I have to do is listen and repeat while I drive - it's brilliant and I've already memorized many of my lines!

Isabella Whitney at work making hand pulled silkscreened Driftwear t-shirts

Now on to some fun stuff!

As promised a NEW GIVEAWAY is in the works to celebrate the APRIL 19th LAUNCH of Driftwear!

Isabella has graciously donated a white Bear t-shirt ($25 us dollar value) in the winner's size choice of S,M,L,XL male or female. These shirts are 100% organic cotton made in America by American Apparel. And as a SPECIAL treat in addition to the typical black Isabella is offering the white t-shirt with a limited edition color print of the bear in red, blue or green to one of my readers!

Driftwear BEAR design by Isabella Whitney

Here are the conditions:

  • Open to anyone anywhere
  • Come back here and leave a comment letting us know WHY oh why you need to win a Driftwear Bear shirt!
  • A winner will be chosen on the April 19th to celebrate the official launch of Driftwear! A check of all requirements will be made and a random digital number widget will be used to generate a winner. On the 19th at 10pm (the opening time of the Esty Driftwear shop) a winner will be announced here!

The Driftwear Bear shirt designed by Isabella Whitney
-Ciao Amarettogirl

The Birth of Driftwear

The Birth of Driftwear

My student Isabella Whitney is the proud owner & designer of the new brand Driftwear. She is completeling her senior thesis/focus project soon by developing this brand and it launches April 19th!

I am so very proud of her work and her accomplishments and I wanted to share them with all of you.

Many people aren't aware of all of the nuances and complexities involved in developing a product line, brand and indie biz. Isabella has done a fantastic job documenting all of those things in her blog- The Birth of Driftwear.

In addition, she has approached marketing wisely, creating guerilla art (I blogged about what Guerilla Art is two years ago- check it out here!) marketing campaigns and using the stop- motion fever my hub and I imparted on our students to promote the brand. I already have three of her designs that I'm interested in purchasing!

PSSSTTT- SECRET... another giveaway opportunity is in the works to celebrate the Driftwear launch!

Driftwear Mission ststement detail shot of guerilla marketing by Isabella Whitney

Back to Basics...

It is such a good feeling when an all-consuming project/obligation and ultimately accomplishment, is over.

Now I can get back to the basics...the little things you do just for the sake of doing them.

For me, that's much more than my full-time teaching, its rolling around with the pups, starting our summer garden, working on the Indie BIZ, reading up on raising chickens (my summer project), sewing, crafting, blogging and maybe, just maybe, learning how to make french macaroons...finally! I also have a little role in a dinner theater production this Spring- anybody know any good memorization apps?

digital manipulation of a glass sketch by marisol diaz

In the end it's like having a whole field of possiblities open wide in front of you. Still, the key to wonderful and productive next 6 months will be to have as little self-imposed stress which means avoiding projects with hard-pressed deadlines- those just kill me! Though judging by responses to this last exhibit, putting me under pressure cooker settings can actually produce fantastic results.

I'm pretty bad at avoiding such opportunities so a major goal will be to STAY STRESS FREE.

BTW, I recv'd two more penpal letters Yay!! and some super cute, made-with-love notes.

Still working on that new giveaway for you all...and I'm wondering - even doing something you love for a mandated date can turn it into 'work' - So how do you stay STRESS FREE??

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Bestia Fera Gallery Opening 

Follow my blog with bloglovin Talking @ the opening with fellow artist Ben WadlerFace painting at the entrance Gina and I at the Azucarera Gallery Opening Kassie a faithful art connoisseur next to her favorite paintingOne of my watercolor paintings 'Rapture' by m.diaz watercolor 'Horsewoman' by marisol diaz hanging at the entrance - crowd is gettin bigger Hub with current students at Azucarera Gallery Chatting with other artists watercolor painting 'Warrior'


The art opening was a whole lot of fun and I'm thankful to all the fam and friends that showed up and made that place a happenin' hub of bestial amicability! It will be sad to see the furry little friends of original paintings that sold go- but I'll be sure to document them well. There are more pics, but the outdoor air and sun is beckoning me...

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Today is my Solo Exhibit at Azucarera...

If you're in the Azucarera Gallery area (Harlem, NYC 145th between Convent and Nicholas Avenue)tonight between 7-9pm stop by! We'll have some finger foods, wine, animal masks and art!

Thought this might be a good time to explain the title:
Bestia Fera is Latin for Beast, Beast, but if you're a Spanish speaker (like me) you'll note Fera is related to Feral which is defined as Salvaje/Wild. Hence making the title imply something more like Wild Beast to some. Still, my intent for Beast/Beast is purposeful since many of my subjects are half animal half human. I chose Latin as opposed to Spanish to drive the antiquity of the meaning home.

And I'm so happy to learn the event has been posted on ARTSLANT !

There are some new never before seen pieces in the show and there are some classics that started it all.

detail of watercolor piece entitled ' I entered the saltwater and She Consumed Me' by marisol diaz Run rabbit Run by marisol diaz

There are still a few loose ends to tie up, but after that I can exhale and be done! This show has been a bit more difficult than the other two exhibits from this previous year - I guess that's the feeling a solo generates. Not to mention, I had forgotten about the booking of this exhibit up until a month ago (and since I'm not a just-show-old-work-kind of girl) I had to produce the majority of all the work in the past three weeks. Then I got bronchitis, teach full-time and well - life happens. The show has only four previous pieces and that is because they play a significant conceptual role in what I'm doing today.


Two days left before my opening....

flyer click to see

There are now only two days left before my opening. I have to go buy frames today (I still need around 7 more) and as many artists know, financially frames begin to add up, costing a pretty penny.

I'm also beginning to work on the artist statement for the show. In the past my threads of work are often developed by a concept, quote or self-definitory aspect of my belief system.

However this time my work was really inspired by an image. I have a small collection of antique books and while perusing one of them, I came across this image that really moved me. It's entitled Gladiator Fighting a Lion and its a sketch of a marble sculpture found in BAVARIA with no artist attributed to the drawing. The title means little to me - its the image itself that really moves me.

I thought I'd share that image with you today.

I'm not too affected by the gladiator aspect of this image as I am the continuos futile struggle with the natuarlistic/animalistic part of who we are. And I'm curious - What does this image make you think of?-

Ciao Amarettogirl

P.S. I've been chatting with a special indie business owner about a possible giveaway that is good for Gals AND Guys! Coming soon so stay TUNED!.

Today is My Hub Gregg Emery's B'day so...

I just wanted to take a moment out to celebrate him. He has been my BFF, my shopping mate, my personal chef, fellow artist, constructive critiquer and great love everyday for the past 6 years. So what better birthday card than a blog post!

People always ask me 'HOW do you get everything you do done?' I usually answer with a cheeky 'no kids' response - but the truth is, Gregg Emery.

If it weren't for my hub, I wouldn't have had the space, time, support or confidence to get done a lot of what I do. I'm not saying I wouldn't be awesome if I wasn't married (cuz I think I'd be just as ;9) but I have to admit he is the Greek architecture and column of my every days.

Gregg makes the best strawberry frozen smoothies on a hot day. He loves his two fur kids to death! He is a wonderful artist that inspires me daily, from technique, process and knowledge. He is without a joke the BEST art history teacher I have ever seen making contemporary connections, motivating and gaining interest from many a distracted student. He is a phenomenal cook able to make Gourmet out of nothing, a loyal friend, the hostess with the mostess. Possibly the most selfless, generous person that I know. I've never seen a dean that students love more. At times he is my sole blog comment. His paintings have the power to help us all feel centered and at peace with this crazy world. Today I am happy to say I thank whatever makes things work in this world, for him being born. He is coming across sounding too good to be true...and perhaps we all have our 'things' but on many a day I do believe HE IS too good to be true.

Gregg at his Solo exhibit at Azucarera this past summerRed Dwarf by Gregg Emery

********I have written about my awesome hub and his drawings and paintings on older blog posts. To see the article of his most recent solo exhibit click here.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! -Ciao Amarettogirl


The Flyer to My Opening This Weekend 

My Flyer for the Azucarera Exhibit by m. diaz

Basically, I ran out of funds this time (go figure - for my first solo in a long while) and couldn't order a postcard so I had to resort to making a flyer. I like it though - hope you do to. Wish you could ALL come! My goal is to have images from the show available for sale as small prints on the SHOP NOW! button up on my top menu bar so if you love a design it is accessible and afforadable.

- Ciao Amarettogirl!