Halloween Dessert Idea- Pot 'O Dirt!

One of my all time favorite desserts. I learned about Pot'O Dirt during our very first murder mystery dinner party by a guest. That was 6 years ago and we have thrown a murder mystery party every year since. Every once in a while we revisit this dessert.

So if you've never come across this great idea before, let me break it down for you.
You will need the following:
- as many small terra-cotta plant pots as you have guests (you can buy these at many craft stores, home supply, garden or even convenient stores (do those still exist?)
- small paper dessert cups to place inside the terra-cotta pots (since most have nice big holes on the bottom, you don't want your ice cream to come pouring out!)
- Your favorite flavor icecream
- Clean fake flowers (if you really want to be fancy consider edible flowers with long stems)
- Oreos that are separated and ground up to be dirt!
- Candy - Gummy worms and spiders - then VOILA! You're done(YAY!)
Imagine adding some little tombstones...(hmm thats an idea).