Prophetic Illustration?

It seems interesting to me that my first website was so heavily weighted towards illustration (specifically illustrating for children) and that with this new site I have paid very little attention to my illustration. So as I was perusing through some illustrations to post here I came across this one:

This illustration is one of my favorites because I illustrated everything except the figures outside of the glass window - those my husband illustrated. He captured the shadows/reflections of the moving figures, better than I ever could! This illustration is one of our first serious artistic collaborations! The name of this composition is Island Pets. My intent was to illustrate a common How-Much-Is-That-Doggie-In-The-Window? concept. However, I based the scene in Puerto Rico with a little Puerto Rican girl. So that was five years ago. And when I drew it I only had my one life dog, Maya (if you've been following my posts she is the large white dog (14yrs. old at the writing of this post) and she met me when she was 2 months old in Springfield, Ohio in a mall pet store.
So fast forward to this past summer. I was sitting on the living room floor watching tv in my dad's house in Puerto Rico and my brother comes storming in from downstairs carrying something in the manner one would hold a rat. After my initial shock, I realized it was an abandoned puppy. My brother explained that the neighbor up the hill,brought the pup which had been scavenging through the mountain to survive for months. The puppy was injured, flea/tick and parasite infested and flat-out-filthy. I fell in love.

Needless to say, I made a next-day vet appt. got him all cleaned up, called my husband back in the US and told him we had a new member of the family. In the illustration the little girl is willing to give up all material things she owns for the spell that scraggly looking dog has put on her. She obviously can't afford to pay for the puppy. Chulo, my 'rescued' puppy, came to me free. The vet was barely $30. each of two visits, the Jetblue ticket home after his bill of health cleared was $50. Imagine how priceless this dog is to me.
How did I know that one day that little girl, would be me?
Wanna smile? Check out Maya and Chulo's Snowday Video!!
Chulo's first snow storm!
So here is my question to you all - what was your last prophetic experience? Even if you don't believe in that-kind-of-thing we all have WEIRD coincidences - TELL ME YOURS!!!
By the way I leave to Paris and Germany on Saturday March 15th and I will be pining for these two four- legged children. Instead I will be with 50 highschool children on Spring Break (pray for me). I will be dependent on internet cafes to keep my blog stay tuned.