
3ww prompt: Drain, Epic, Nibble
With the swell of the decennary
Your pea crab fingers nibble at my throat
white plumes erupted from the wave's crest,
washing up my deep frailty;
a drip of knowledge traveled down my cheek
a drain; for my soul is under the aegis of you.
You who have the blade.
Through all the tender lives infiltrating this space, epic we are not
For I too am the walrus
And you in all your glazed finery, slice me.

To see more holiday Window photos by me click HERE! - Amarettogirl

Reader Comments (11)
my absolute favorite are the last two lines...I think I want this as my epitaph~~~
A drip of knowledge is such a cool line!
A great great piece in all!
I am so happy you are back. The lines in this blew me away, so many good ones, but the last two, bang, out of the park.
So many great lines in this. Welcome back to 3ww.
Very well written, the second to last line had the "wait... what?" effect on me and I had to restart the piece from the top. Nice unique usage on the 3 words! Good work!
So powerfully expressed! Grateful to have started writing 3WW so I may find more writers like you! Brava! Bold images, yes.
The last two lines are sensational. The rest was pretty damn good also
Your grasp of the English language is staggering. I loved the fact you used ‘aegis’. Welcome Back!
this sliced me:
;a drip of knowledge traveled down my cheek
a drain; for my soul is under the aegis of you.
You who have the blade.
a beautiful journey
sooooooo good you are fantastic at writing and art brava! :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo RINA