Little Crime, I Have an Oleander in my Eye

'So much more dangerous is he who thinks he knows, than he who admits knowing nothing at all,' said the rabbit
His wisdom caused my stomach to flip with a jolt.
'Somethings are poisonous to the touch'
I considered his meaning and smiled at the thought
that I could be so wicked
That I could ever possibly be so much more than expected, deceptively small
Maybe I could be the Delphic captain of the Black Freighter.Pin pricks of seductive coy began to cultivate around my brow
He suggested I consider the ribbon, and how quaint it would look tied to such a smug, pompous man's lapel...
Imagine such a powerful gift, such a seemingly innocent ribbon... a gift to end all gifts, ingested and adorned.
The rabbit had defined it all for me, the erudite victory was lastly to be mine.
On the morn I was to be wed, I awoke with great zeal to face the day
I tied a delicate white ribbon dipped in strychnine around a piece of English ivy...and topped it off with a fine oleander
A boutonnière for such a smart gent as you my love
and I smiled.

To see more holiday Window photos by me click HERE! - Amarettogirl