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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

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This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Guilty Pleasures (for the Crafty & the Non-crafty)

So I've been mulling the idea around to post some of my seasonal guilty pleasures. They're called guilty pleasures because they are those things that are so good you feel guilty just being privileged enough to live a life in which they are accessible. I say 'seasonal' because depending what I'm into at any given moment my guilty pleasures change (although there are always some constants). Mind you, this is different than an 'I'm thankful for' list...it really has to be a little guilty. For example, I know some people who have a shoe guilty pleasure, a handbag guilty pleasure, latest-electronic-gadget-of-the-month guilty pleasure and I know others who have all three of those gp's at once. It has to be that thing that either costs a little too much, or consumes a bit too much of your time, or distracts you from what you should be doing too often!

images-1.jpegThis Craft mag is pretty pricey but it ROCKS and fortunately it isn't in publication too often so it doesn't break the bank.

images-3.jpegThis is some sure fire decadent ice-cream. In fact it is so decadent you only get four or three in a box!!! Its definitely for those days you really need a "I had a hard day boost".

images-2.jpegI am addicted to Japanese Craft books and it is most certainly what I spend the most of my hard-earned cash on. The aesthetics and quality of the workmanship, as well as the imagery are spectacular. In fact these books and crafts are so good that you need not know how to read Japanese to learn how to make the objects featured, although I still wish I did. There is a fantastic Japanese Bookstore at the Palisade Mall in Rockland County and I frequent it once a month!

images-8.jpegJamba Juice Tagline 'Your body is the temple of your soul, so don't put trash in it' (or something like that) Need I say more?

images-7.jpegDancing With the Stars. I have to admit that as malignant as reality tv has become to the state of the theatrical arts I LOVE watching Dance shows!

images-4.jpegGregg and I have to say that our 'Just-Got-Paid-Feel-Good-Food' is Sushi and if you give us bean cakes and bubble tea with that we're in heaven!

images-9.jpegYoung Adult Fiction - Right now it's Twilight- but soon it will be something else like a graphic novel...actually the next book is Persepolis!

images-5.jpegPistachios -Not only are these babies pricey their high in fat too (but I think its the good fat - hopefully?Dying from the heat.

images-11.jpeg Project Runway - I cannot believe the season just ended - I'm going through withdrawal now...I think need some Haagen-Daz.

images-12.jpegLost - thank the heavens the writers strike is over because I really needed to be exasperated by more questions, confused by more story lines and racking my brain on the what-is-going-on theory! Still we can't stop watching!

images-10.jpegAll Things Oprah - I can't help it - I think she's brilliant.

images.jpegHere is another one of those pricey ($15) magazines that does come out more frequently than Craft, but Somerset is luscious for the anything-paper artist! They also have an entourage of other amazing titles under their belt like Art Doll (another one of my faves), Life Images and countless others.

images-6.jpegLargest guilty pleasure of them all, BLOGGING - man have I been procrastinating since I've started this!!

I have more gp's but I think I'll stop there for today since I just realized I've been indulging in a guilty pleasure for a while and my other GP's (the dogs) are needing some attention! So tell me YOUR GUILTY PLEASURES!! I'm dying to know!!!

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Reader Comments (6)

guilty pleasures...PSP, wii, any games...biking, fast food (the nastier the guiltier...did someone say White Castle?) vinyl toys, belgian fries (luckily next to my fav toy store, TOy Tokyo!) espresso (was guilty pleasure quickly became daily fix) and of course my wife! what am I guilty about her for? None of your damned business! :)

March 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterstain boy

yay new post! and "stain boy" one day i'm going to beat you at first comment. anyways, guilty pleasures... Gumdrops, Guitar Hero, aim, idiotic middle school books (gossip girl,angus thongs and full frontal snogging), gossip girl the t.v show, nutella, and finally and best of all Kosher cookies from the gas station down the street!

March 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

Getting my hair done is a real guilty pleasure, as is my nails and a massage...oooh yeah definitely the masage. Going to the movies and eating out!

March 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCuchi

Since moving to Italy, I have NEW guilty pleasures. First and foremost: blogging, which is more like an addiction, eating out (food here is not cheap) wine, and coffee... I remember Project Runway!!! I LOVED that show... I miss american TV and all the guilty pleasures associated with it...

March 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeatriz

#1 Haagen Daaz Chocolate pint, #2 a medium well strip steak at a good restaurant #3 "sleeping in" until 8:30 on the weekends and days off #4 watching One Life To Live on days off and in the summer #5 making crafts for no reason
#6 throwing things out "Spring Cleaning style" anytime of year #7 taking a nap with my cat on the couch #8 taking a nap period! #9 assorted Godiva truffles #10 reading an entire newspaper on Sunday afternoon, uniterrupted. #11 Hugging my hubby even when he had enough hahahaha!

March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYour Neighbor

hmm i am looking for a specific post that talked about something that meant no worries. however i needed to stop and share that i just finished twilight book one, AMAZING. two lost is awesome. and sushi and jamba juice = yummmm.

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterisabella whitney

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