Announcing the Winner of the BEAUTIFUL YOU Giveaway

This was an incredibly difficult giveaway to select from! I wish I had seven books to give away ~.~
The good news is that I scored a visit to my school by Rosie Molinary on Oct. 26th from 12:30-1:30pm during which she will be doing a lunch time series presentation in our library -for girls, women, teachers, staff, parents and male allies at the Imperatore Library and she will have books available there!
So if you are affiliated with the Dwight-Englewood School in anyway try to be there!
Ok so the top contenders addressed the audio interview with such conviction it made my heart smile everytime! Take a look at some of these comments:
Colin- "...the best part's when y'all are talking about process, and how it's destination vs. journey when really it's always just been about journey."
Luisa- "i loved the part where you talked about the toxins to your body that no one really mentions like gossip, and criticism. it reminded me of a scene from mean girls where they al look in the mirror and take turns saying something they don't like about their bodies. rituals like these seem to happen often and have become almost routine. the become addictive, you tend to keep going and going and you keep finding little things here and there, and when your friends join in its just a hate bash on our bodies..."
Carla- "I sooooooooo related to the struggle with people commenting on your weight loss and the discomfort around that. I actually wrote and performed a piece about that very thing years ago and it prompted me to find it. It's called 'Serenity'..."
...I mean someone will say, "You have such a beautiful face" and in the back of my head that little voice is translating it as "It's a shame your a little overweight, otherwise you'd be a knockout", "a knock out", yeah, a knockout"...
-excerpt from Serenity by Carla - Jane- "I loved both your questions and Rosie's responses. The aspect that spoke most loudly to me was about her thoughts on straightening her hair - "to make her life easier." For nearly a decade, many years ago, I permed my hair "to make my life easier." How interesting that we saw doing opposite things to our hair was perceived necessary and a means to being more presentable than what is our own natural state..."
Laura- "...One topic that I can definitely apply to my own life is the section about not joining in when your friends decide to criticize themselves. This is something that I would never have thought about before because it seems like such a natural reaction. Now that I am more aware of it, I hope to not do it again."
Tania- "...I've a ton of opinions and thoughts on this subject especially as a woman of size who is ok with being of size who accepts herself fully. I'm the girl who does straighten her hair but I do it not for society or praise but because I like the way it looks on me, but I also embrace my curls..."
And last but not least... -
Gera- "Omg, this interview was so great and it really touched my heart. I definitely understand each and every one of Rosie's points and they were all eye-opening and just plain genius. I am a young woman (HS) who is totally aware this notion of image; however, I try my best to not let it get the best of me. I am a woman of size and am completely comfortable with my body. If I ever decide to change something, it'll be because I want it for myself and not because of other people's opinions. I can honestly say that I am so excited to read this book and I know I will love it just like I loved this interview!"
So what is a blogger to do??Well I took a suggestion by my co-worker Caitlyn, and I placed the numbers 1-7 in the bingo machine and let the wheel of fortune take the decision right out of my hands! The winner is...drumroll please...wait for it...CONGRATS TO
GERA!!!!!!The Poster For Rosie Molinary's Visit to the Dwight- Englewood School!
Reader Comments (5)
What a tough decision!!! I hope everyone picks up a copy of the book anyway and I can't wait to hear more podcasts from amarettogirl!!!!
It's been a while since I popped in to say hi.
I'm so proud of you for losing all that weight and being happier with yourself!
And let's not forget how amazing the chicken coop turned out!
Hope you are doing great,
P.S. Congrats to the winner!
congrats gera!
OMG, I WON ! YAYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY ! Thank youuu soo much, Ms. Diaz ! :)