November Goals & Nanowrimo

Glass illustration by marisol diaz
So we are now into the month of November (my Birthday month) and every year around this time I do some life/goal assessment...and I try again and again until I succeed to fulfill them.
So this year being no different, I am trying one more time to do the following:
- start, continue and finish NANOWRIMO (national write a novel in a month) in which you must complete 50,000 words in one month towards your novel.Check out what I got so far! HERE.
- Get better Podcast equipment
- Interview more folks and start a full on audio Podcast Series beginning with another interview with NYC based Spoken Word Artist La Bruja!
- Craft my tush off for the Annual Craft Fair
- Buy my long-awaited glass kiln and do some glass work
- Update my Etsy
- Update my techy equipment
- Post more tutorials
- Start some Style posts for both CLOTHES & FOOD!!! FOOD LOVE YAY!
- Make my Ladies of the Chicken Coop as comfy as possible as they start to lay some eggs!
- Update my Blog/Site diversification to include NEW and seperate blogs!

So wish me luck as I start on this month long venture! -Ciao Amarettogirl
Reader Comments (3)
Motivate yourself! Also< I look forward to reading it later.
you are so ambitious. i love it. :)
¡cuanto trabajo! suerte!