Valentine's Day Apron

So after seeing all the aprons I gifted to women in my fam this past holiday on my blog, my long-distance cousin in Florida really felt forgotten....making it so that just when I thought I was done with apron's for a while, I had to sew another one.
I guess I didn't really 'have' to, but this particular cousin has a special spot in my heart.
With all the other aprons I chose fabrics and patterns based on the woman's personality. So in accord with that manner of approaching the apron design, I chose 'love' as the theme.
It was shipped last Thursday and should be arriving in Port St. Lucie Florida any day now... hopefully she gets to see it, before she sees this post!
If not well, here is the sneak peek Lizzy!
Hope you all had a wonderful and crafty Valentine's Day Weekend!
- Ciao Amarettogirl

Reader Comments (7)
check this out. you'll like.
cute apron!
It came out amazing, I'm so sure Lizzy is gonna love it.
I am beyond jealous!!!!!!!!!! I love it... Can I send mine back for an exchange????
There are times in ones life that you just sit and think of your passed and there is always someone in it. My passed is of a girl that was the most sweetest little thing you have ever seen. we were not close at all we were eight years apart me being the oldest. Just one day she asked to stay over my house and I said yes. In that time I learned so much about her that I never wanted her to leave. I had learned that she was the saddest little thing on earth and was going thew a life of HELL. From that moment on she became the most inportint thing in my life. I had promise my self that I would not let anyone or anything hurt her again. She was like my daughter in my heart and soul. As she grew she always proved to me how much I meant to her and how much she loved me. She always thought she owed me for what I did to help her in her life but to she change mine. To see her grow into this strong women with a gift that she has and a wonderful life she has made for her self that means the would to me. she won my heart back then and I guess I have won hers. She is my cousin and daughter if you are reading this you know her well her name is Marisol Diaz and mine is Lizzy. This apron means so much love that only the person that made it and the one to wear it know how special it is. Thank you mari I love it your heart will always be with me.
can't top Lizzy, except that I get to try to take care of this precious little girl and the amazing woman now...a lot of pressure but I'll do my best.
Very cute!
Very nice apron of you, I like and love it..I know for sure, you're really inspired while doing this personalized apron...