Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
CRAFT: I'm a Crafter!
The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

Entries in Gifts (21)


Creatively Invoking The New Year with Sorority, Intention, Incantations, Stitchery & Felt

All of Us CC's photo taken by Erin with Annamaria's Camera- thanks Erin!

I was fortunate this New Year's eve to have an opportunity to get together with a portion of my CREATIVELY CONSCIOUS Sisters (some of the original collection of women from my women's art retreat this past summer) and do a crafty version of a New Year's Invocation.

My gift to the women were little precut and personalized embroidered heart sachets that had charms, wishes and love stitched onto them.

One of the unsewn, unsealed, unstuffed New Years sachets I made for the Ladies of CC

As part of the process, I had each woman consider what the people, places and things that impede their daily dreams and goals are and on that sheet of paper physically write and name those things as what I like to call our 'Chief Censors'.

Beginning the incantation photo by CC Sharon

After that we wrote down what our deepest desire was for this up and coming new year...not so much a resolution but more something we wanted to see realized and manifested in our lives.

I wanted us to ritualistically experience a metaphor for being released by that chief censor into action towards our deepest desire. So I brought a stainless steel bowl in which to individually 'torch' the chief censor and watch it burn into ash and into the ether while asking to be released from it verbally. Our Burning Bowl photo by CC Sharon

We rolled up our our deepest desire and placed it along with stuffing and fragrant filling into the core of our heart sachet. Each woman went through the process of physically stitching her deepest desire into her heart....

the unstuffed sachet I made for CC Kesha CC Kesha Sewing her sachetCC Khadine Sewing her sachet CC's Khadine & Sharon working on their sachet's together CC Annamaria's sachet The Other side of CC Annamaria's Sachet

"Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!!"-Amarettogirl


Fun News and New Giveaway to celebrate Driftwear!

My new 'Rettogirl' blog widget is finally UP and grab-able! So if you have a blog, feel free to grab the code (just copy and paste it into your sidebar) and place little 'ol Rettogirl on your page! Now that I know how to do this, I'm looking forward to making new widgets!

Widgets can be kind of tricky (especially if coding is not your forte) so I'm pretty proud.

As for memorizing my lines - thanks for all the stress-free suggestions. I found a FANTASTIC Iphone app called Mentalcase and an online study program that exchanges with mentalcase called Flashcard Exchange. I've been able to first study my cards on the phone then record audio with each of the lines and play it like a slide show, so all I have to do is listen and repeat while I drive - it's brilliant and I've already memorized many of my lines!

Isabella Whitney at work making hand pulled silkscreened Driftwear t-shirts

Now on to some fun stuff!

As promised a NEW GIVEAWAY is in the works to celebrate the APRIL 19th LAUNCH of Driftwear!

Isabella has graciously donated a white Bear t-shirt ($25 us dollar value) in the winner's size choice of S,M,L,XL male or female. These shirts are 100% organic cotton made in America by American Apparel. And as a SPECIAL treat in addition to the typical black Isabella is offering the white t-shirt with a limited edition color print of the bear in red, blue or green to one of my readers!

Driftwear BEAR design by Isabella Whitney

Here are the conditions:

  • Open to anyone anywhere
  • Come back here and leave a comment letting us know WHY oh why you need to win a Driftwear Bear shirt!
  • A winner will be chosen on the April 19th to celebrate the official launch of Driftwear! A check of all requirements will be made and a random digital number widget will be used to generate a winner. On the 19th at 10pm (the opening time of the Esty Driftwear shop) a winner will be announced here!

The Driftwear Bear shirt designed by Isabella Whitney
-Ciao Amarettogirl

Happy Easter! And Another Special Delivery!

Easter Basket GIVEAWAY

Today will will be the end of our exchange via an Easter tradition that used to light up our days as little children, THE EASTER BASKET!
I did this giveaway in lieu of paying for advertising and in order to get to know my readers better, so your thoughtful comments were an essential entry rule.

How it will work:

  • Comment for this post today with a NUMBER that you choose between 0-75 BEFORE Eastern Standard Time 9pm (and remember if you see someone else has chosen your number in the comments of this post - you should CHANGE your number becuase that number has laready been claimed).
  • Check that you thoughtfully commented on every other post since the GIVEAWAY began and/or
  • If you have a BLOG or WEBSITE link back to this GIVEAWAY with a post about it that you share a link to with me
  • Be a follower of this blog
  • Check BACK after EST 9pm to see WHO chose the WInning NUmber and wish them well!

Now on to today's business - I received MY FIRST pen pal RESPONSE!!

My Unopened Package from Redstarink fresh from the mailbox

My Pen pal RedStarInk, who I am now a lifelong fan of, sent me a response to my cupcake illustrated letter.

At first I saw only the word 'Girl' through the tissue paper and I knew that Marcie of Redstarink had made a clever choice of a word for me. However I then peeled away the tissue paper to see just how brilliantly thoughtful that gift was.

All of my paper products are handmade. I design, print, and assemble each product myself. I strive to be as eco-friendly as possible, using recycled papers and packaging. I try to create my products in sizes that result in no wasted paper. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I enjoy meeting fellow Etsy artists and buyers.

-Redstarink's Etsy Shop

Marcie (of Redstarink) is a graphic designer with an indie printing business that produces functional work that has respect for typography, impeccable, clean, bold lines and a sharp aesthetic. If you ever need any functional paper products you know who to go to - she is fantastic- just look at this:

The opened package Marcie of RedstarInk at Work My gift wrapped in tissue paperMy beautiful Amarettogirl notebook by Redstarink

A Unique Giveaway!

So in my internet escapades through crafty bloggers, I came across a pretty unique giveaway. As many of you know, giveaways through crafty/creative blogs usually exist of craft supplies, handmade products or various things like that (which are ALWAYS wonderful).

However, blogger, Yourstrulydear from Utah is one-upping the traditional giveaways to a whole new level! So here's what you get:

A 5'3 x 7'5 Zebra Print Rug from CSN!

So if you're interested these are the entry options and what you have to do:


1. be a blog follower on YOURSTRULYDEAR and leave a comment saying so (1 entry)

2. leave a comment telling YOURSTRULYDEAR your favorite animal (1 entry)

3. blog about this giveaway [&leave the link] (1 entry)

4. tweet about this giveaway [@yourstrulydear] (1 entry)

**giveaway will close monday (march 15th) at midnight. us and canadian residents only

Hope you all enjoy and that someone I know gets lucky! ;) -Ciao Amarettogirl

Valentine's Day Apron

detail of Lizzy's Apron by marisol diaz

So after seeing all the aprons I gifted to women in my fam this past holiday on my blog, my long-distance cousin in Florida really felt forgotten....making it so that just when I thought I was done with apron's for a while, I had to sew another one.

I guess I didn't really 'have' to, but this particular cousin has a special spot in my heart.

With all the other aprons I chose fabrics and patterns based on the woman's personality. So in accord with that manner of approaching the apron design, I chose 'love' as the theme.

It was shipped last Thursday and should be arriving in Port St. Lucie Florida any day now... hopefully she gets to see it, before she sees this post!

If not well, here is the sneak peek Lizzy!

Completing Lizzy's Apron by marisol diaz detail of upper portion by marisol diaz Lizzy's Apron hanging by marisol diaz modeling the apron by marisol diazapron detail by marisol diaz

Hope you all had a wonderful and crafty Valentine's Day Weekend!

- Ciao Amarettogirl


Apron Mania

This past holiday season I decided to make many of the domestic divas in my family aprons to suit their personalities. Like many a crafty chica, I began to feel drawn to these seemingly outdated pieces of fashion and wanted to try my hand at it.

However, tonight after eating the awesome pearl cous cous, shrimp and lemon cream dinner my hubs just made me I'm beginning to think I need to make some man-prons!!

Anyway thought I'd share these with ya'll

An Apron for my mom the bird lover Bird Lover Apron by marisol diaz So Sassy Cherry Apron for my cuz Crystal by marisol diaz Woodland Creatures Apron for MOI!My Apron by marisol diaz The too sexy MILF Apron for my cuz Mimi

French Macaroons at Starbucks!!! Limited Time Only!!

Open package of Starbuck's French Macaroonsdifferent flavored macaroonsme at Laduree 2 yrs ago

During my last visit to Paris, I was in a vehicle and passed by a shop with a line a folks outside all carrying small mint green bags. The shop's windows were stacked with pastel colored baroque like boxes and I knew something edible was being featured as an art form inside. I made a mental note to return that spot on my free time to see what all the fuss was about.

The shop turned out to be LADUREE a very well known bakery and cafe/ Patiserrie. In fact, Laduree was the shop commissioned to make the cakes for Sophia Coppola's Marie Antoinette film. On that Parisian trip I fell in love with macaroons.

When I returned to the US I tried to get macaroons from Paris here and it was futile. Laduree has opened some shops in other global cities and there were plans to open one in NY, but that still hasn't come to fruition. For my fortieth birthday I discovered that there are places in our east coast area that make delicious french style macaroons like Dean & Deluca and my new favorite bakery La Promenade here in Tenafly, New Jersey (they placed macaroons on my BDAy cake for me!!)

Package is $9.99 for 12 French Macaroons made in France by Chateau Blanc

So yesterday I was on line at Starbucks (to get myself my fave seasonal Caramel Brulee Latte) and lo and behold sitting in the refrigerated counter section were four boxes of French Macaroons! For a box of 12 macaroons made in France by Chateau Blanc you'll pay $9.99. They are slightly smaller than typical French macaroons but you'll get 2 of 6 flavors -Chocolate, Coffee,Pistachio, Raspberry, Vanilla, and Lemon.

BUT DON"T GET TOO EXCITED rumor has it that these babes will only be around from Dec. 13th - Dec. 24th - So GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN!!! They make an awesome gift too!


Mai Sweet Shop Treats Return - Craft Fair '09!

There is a small annual faculty craft fair at the

Dwight Englewood School: 315 east palisade avenue,englewood NJ 07631 on Sunday December from 2-5pm
that I participate in - if you're around swing by and get some one of a kind, hand-made gifts!

Some of my new Mai Sweetshop line products for Craft Fair '09New Mai Sweetshop Lipgloss!The return of the hot-cocoa ring!The Classic CupcakeThese rings were so popular last year they sold out in the first hour and half!

Tis year I also made some ZAKKA style cases, that I like to call the Bunny Pouch! Direct from one of my favorite craft books Zakka Sewing comes this bunny case pattern. I made 15 different fabric styles. Their tales are the closed sipper pull, they fit pencils and pens, sewing supplies, your glasses, etc.,

Zakka Style Bunny Pouches by m.diazOne of my faves...might keep this one...more Bunny Pouch styles

So if you're around Bergen County NJ -stop by! If not,

NO WORRIES you can always contact me via this site or check out my ETSY shop for pieces your interested in!!
- Amarettogirl


My Latest Cupcake Container!

For my cousin Tai's Birthday this year I tested out a new prototype for my MAI Sweetshop Line - a giant faux cupcake container! It has one major compartment for a fairly large jewelry gift (big enough for a watch) and a secret small top container great for a pair of earrings or a ring.

Cupcake container by marisol diaz container open

It was the perfect gift box to house some of my latest Mai Sweetshop gifts, a strawberry-shortcake-on-a-silver-platter necklace and a cupcake ring!

Tai opening her B'day gift at Alice's Tea Cup - Another great Tea House!Aerial Cupcake view

Treat Yourself to a Subscription of Color!

The full spectrum of colored pencils by Felissimo

So during my blogging escapades I discovered the kind of mail subscription I would have LOVED, and I mean LOVED, to have had as a young budding artist - heck if the times weren't so financially tight I would LOVE to have it now!!!

just one sample of the cleverly named pencils- Mermaid's Gown

Think back to a time when (instead of a new encyclopedia every month) your parents ordered wonderful little packages of animal flashcards that you could build a zoological collection of and catalog in that great little complimentary index case. Well this subscription is just as good if not better! 500 pencils and not just any pencils, color pencils!!

Japanese design house, Felissimo has created a new social experiment by developing this subscription plan in which 33 dollars a month will buy you a Japan-mailed-package of different assortments of 25 like-minded colored pencils, for 20 months until you have 500 varigated colors. The different colors have names like Tragedy, Tea with Milk, Maple Sugar and Drizzly Afternoon. Geez I want these!

One of the ways to display your pencils as they arrive

In addition to being able to order your pencils you can order high-design displays that rival some of the great stuff you see in the Moma (Museum of Modern Art) gift shop, like this wall display on the left appropriately named Orchestra. Felissimo's Social Design Network states,

Social designer curates and creates smart products that tune into the greater good. You can join the cause by submitting designs for our competitions, weighing in with your opinion, purchasing goods or just simply talking about them. After all, every good idea (and every good cause)... starts with a conversation.

The Color Wave Display Option ($104)

So if you do happen to indulge or splurge on this beautiful monthly treat let me know! I would love to see pics of your open packages as they arrive - they're sure to be works of art in themselves!