Blythe Illustrations

Seeing as my blog has now been up for TWO YEARS I've begun to update some outdated info. So my bio no longer says married for 5yrs when its been 7!
This piece was one of six that I did for a summer 2009 exhibit...I just updated my exhibit data and the gallery of exhibits page (not finished yet) so I thought I'd mention it here. The hope (as some of my art appreciators know) is to order high-quality prints of these images and eventually have the prints for sale in my etsy shop - so don't despair it will one day soon happen!

So here's what's happening in my life today. The school in which I work is hosting a 'Casablanca' gala black and white formal event this weekend as a fundraiser. In the 12 years that I've worked there I've never gone because tickets are very expensive (150mega-bucks, the funds go to support the school). This week I received an email from one of the event planners that an anonymous donor paid for my ticket to attend and that I should consider honoring the gesture with an rsvp. So my hub (who also works at the same school as long as me) called to rsvp taking it for granted that everyone knows we're married and assuming he was paid for as well (its common that a donor pays for a handful of teachers)- but Yikes - the donor gift was just for me! Luckily a ticket emerged for hubs, but I'm kind of 'weirded' out. In a crowded space I won't know who paid for me to go. Since this is tomorrow night, I had to go buy a cocktail dress and lets just say trying on stuff in ill lit fitting rooms that smack body-conscious-reality in my face is not my idea of a fun Friday night! But it will all be worth it, since I learned Tony Dovolani from Dancing with the Stars will be there and it promises to be an affair to remember!! Tony Dovolani from Dancing With The Stars pic from ABC DWS
Have you ever attended an event or gathering with a lurking secret donor or admirer??? Its like a game of CLUE! Come on spill, I want to hear all about it!
-Ciao Amarettogirl

Reader Comments (3)
omg thats so funny! best of luck with the dance
i want to hear how it went!
your description of dressing rooms is so accurate it kills me
oh shopping
what a pain in the butt
but I'm glad that you were able to go