Ok so I've been inspired by all the amazing giveaways in the crafty blogosphere and decided to go shopping and make my own valuable giveaway for one lucky winner!
Lucky for you all, I found some pretty great stuff discounted but the estimated internet value of all this stuff is roughly $75 USD!!
One of the great things I found is this WONDERFUL Jun Planning (the Japanese Co. makers of the pricey and collectible Pullip and Dal dolls) Angel Dal named AMY which can currently be found only on Ebay and Amazon books beginning at $15 and from Japanese Toy distributors for $20 - $30 USD.
It may seem like a 'little' girl basket but uh, I'm a pretty big girl and I was sure to prepare a basket I would LOVE to win! And that's not all - I also found some other great stuff, so scroll down check it all out and see the list of items included in the basket and HOW to win it!
From Jun Planning comes this sweet new offering: the poseable, portable Angel Dal! Brown-eyed Amy sports a big red bow in her black hair to match her cute cotton black-and-red dress. Her head turns, she's jointed at the shoulders and hips, and at 14.5cm tall (that's almost 5 3/4 inches), she's the perfect size to carry along!

Ok so here is the list of other fantastic stuff you'll get in the basket:
1. Two packs (one chocolate and one strawberry) of Hello Kitty Poky Biscuit sticks with cream2. One MEGA Hello Kitty 288 page Coloring and Activity book
3. One Pink polk-dot lanyard for your keys
Super Fun QUIZ me book! Click to see!
4. One TY Beanie Babie Boo Koala with Extra big Eyes!
5.One silicone tray of mini Bunny face molds for Gelatin, makes 12 tiny 1" bunny faces. Easy-release tray is freezer, fridge, and dishwasher safe. 1" x 3 3/4" x 9" Check out the two pics!

6. One Jelly Belly Blooming Bottle of Jelly Beans
7. One Quiz Me Scrap Book/Journal going for $12.95 on Amazon right now!
8. Two Mystery Eggs One large green and one small pink(and NO I won't tell what's inside - it's a mystery!
9. Hello Kitty Sour Apple candy tin
10. SNIFF pack of Hello Kitty tissues (Sniff Tissues are pre-printed designer paper handkerchiefs. Invented in 1996 by Paper Products Design (Germany) they have gone on to be a worldwide best seller for the company. They are especially popular in the U.S.A. Designs range from seasonal ideas like Christmas tissues to more unusual designs like Pink Skulls n Hello Kitty!
11. Lollipops (including watermelon!)
12. Lets not forget the awesome lime green basket with gingham lined fabric!
13. T.B.A. I am including a signed print from either one of my photographs or illustrations - check back in to see an update later!
WHO,HOW and WHEN does one go about trying to win this basket??
One way- If you have a blog, post about this giveaway and link back to this site, comment here and leave a link to your post and become a follower of this blog (Subscribe to this RSS feed).
If you don't have a blog no worries you can still do the following:
Second way- Become a follower of this blog and Comment on every post from here until the Easter Day Giveaway, April 4th- don't worry I don't post everyday!
(I'm shameless I know - but my blog is like a caged animal at the zoo and when you come to visit, it really wants you to FEED it with a comment! :)) Comments are YUMMY!
LASTLY, required by ALL PARTICIPANTS - be HERE on April 4th and comment on my most recent post with a favorite NUMBER and WHY you want to win this basket! Comments should be thoughtful - computer generated comments or spam will will be routinely removed.
This is how the winner will be chosen:

On April 4th Easter Sunday My hub and I will wait until 9pm Eastern Standard Time at which time we will pull out the Bingo cage and spin the numbers ten times!
The number closest by 5 digits (greater or lesser) to one of the numbers in the comments WINS after we have checked that, the follower has posted on every post since this one and/or has linked to this Giveaway from their blog.
And though we considered limiting the shipping areas to the US only we have too many new cool friends in places like Holland and London so - we're going to leave that open!:))
Good LUCK and Ciao - Amarettogirl!
Reader Comments (33)
eek. What an amazing giveaway. Looks like you really put some thought into it! I will be sure to blog this sometime in the next week.
ooooh, what lovely goodies. I am so excited. Yeah, what Krista said, you did put some time into this one! I love the photos you took of your stuff. It's darling. I'll have you put a post about you on my blog!
OMG! I LOVE IT! I especially love the Hello Kitty biscuits! I had my sister bring some from home when she came for a visit last month. She brought 10 and I just finished the last one a couple of days ago. My ones were called Yan Yan, also a type of Japanese snack. They are quite similar. Eeeek they are my absolute favourite!! They dont have any here in Birmingham so it would be great if I could get my hands on those goodies! hehe
OMG marisol, that basket totally describes me! i determined to win it! :) i'll try my best to remember the password for my blog and post an ad for it there and i'll try and comment every day! LOVES YA! xoxoxo plus check ur wii letters i wrote ya something. :)
By the way i cant acsesss y blog so i cant post a add there but i can post a add on my web look! here is the linlk oh and i dont knw how to get a rss feed is that ok?
Rina, Don't worry about your blog - All you have to do is comment here on every post I write from today (which you did already) until April fourth - On April Fourth BEFORE 9pm (our time) leave a comment on the most recent post with a number - and why you hope you win this basket. Gregg and I will roll the bingo cage and pull a number and hope its close to the one you picked.
Ummm I'm kind of in love with this give away as you well know I have a 30 year obsession with all things pink, pretty and especially Hello Kitty. Cuteness and super generous!!
Alright, I know I probably don't qualify and don't quite know what I would do with all things pink, pretty and hello kitty but...I will say I enjoyed the blog today on this rainiest of days. thanks amarettogirl for brightening the gloom, always,...
waaooo What a kawaii giveaway. I love all of them, and I love your blog too ... (^.^),
I featured your post in my blog :
Done and done baby!! Going to be adding you to bloglovin as i dont think i can follow Squarespace!
Claire xoxo
The post has been updated looks prettier!
WOW! What a generous giveaway indeed! I have 'Twitted' it as I have lots of friends that could be interested and wanted to pass this great news along :)
Good luck with your giveaway!
wow, i'd love to win this. i love hello kitty!!
but i'm not sure i'm eligible with all these rules. i'll actually be away from internetland starting march 30th!! and only limited weekly (one hour) internet for four months.
Floreta, I read your blog and I think a Buddhist retreat is worth more than this basket- so go and enjoy! and know that I will have other giveaways in the future, that will be easier to follow. Good luck on your trip and enjoy!
What a sweet gift basket. I've already posted about it on my site with a link back. This is a really great idea.
Come visit and check out the post:
I hope I win :) I just love the whole look of this basket and that little doll is just dying for a cute crocheted beret I think ;)
What an amazing giveaway! I've posted about it here: (does this qualify? I don't usually make other public posts so. )
neverless I'll be happy to help with the feeding- as long as you don't bite!
awesome giveaway! love the and my friend know about it now! WILL TRY TO POST COMMENT EVERY POST!!! love ya!
What a great giveaway! I shall try to keep up! ^-^
P.S. I am already a follower! ^-^
wow!! great giaveaway! very well planned giveaway. And the goodies are too cutes.
Love them all.
I am a subscriber via google reader.
Thank you
These are so cute * w *
hello cutest teacher ever
I am counted for.....Day 1 woooo-hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
You have certainly taken a great deal of thought into the selection of goodies. I can see you in all of the nick nacks and patty wacks which will be an extra treat for the winner. I am not surprised at your thoughtfulness or the detail, it is you through and through. How do I become a subsriber to your blog...I am quite the technology challenged individual. Anyhoo, looking forward to your posts. ;D
here is the link to my blog post! I hope I win! see you before and on April 4th! <3