Free 4x6" Print for Kawaii Easter Basket Giveaway!

Basket will include this small 4"X6" print on matte photo paper and signed by me. I just did this watercolor illustration last night for the lucky winner of my April 4th Giveaway! I hope you all like it!
I tweaked it in photoshop after it was done, hence that weird effect in the icing.
Anyhoo, I've had such a great time preparing for this GIVEAWAY and appreciate everyone's support. If you're interested in WINNING the basket please be sure to read the rules of eligibility (which-BTW it's open to all!) in the GIVEAWAY post.
I've also been working on illustrations for my new penpals from my Indie 2.0 class - I'll show you those soon!
-Ciao Amarettogirl

Reader Comments (19)
1. have you seen this: ??
2. very cute! i like!
Wow..that's so pretty. I dunno where you find the time to do that by the way. I spend the whole day doing my indie biz coursework...and I am still not finished!
WOW i love your pics marisol! i wish i could draw as such...:P anywho i made a working link on my site for yours, and i put your site on my SPOTLIGHT WEBSITES! lol
Oh! and lookit! im following your instructions and commenting on every post! i going to check everyday!
Love it. Especially the name"Sweetness" I'm fell fir some cupcake mugs I saw at barnes and noble and am considering redoing my kitchen in all cupcakes!!
Your painting is beautiful!
Love the painting, much looser than I am used to seeing in your work. Look forward to winning myself some hello kitty loot!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!! Good luck everyone.
This is very cute!
beautiful painting, I would be very happy if I win and have this delicious cupcake.
thank you
Hi, oeh à illustration fot your new pen pals hmm Who could it be.. I can't wait to see it, because if i see this cute sweet cupcake with à cherry in top i can't wAit to see the others hihi
that's be-yu-ti-ful. i'm gonna beat you isabella. BYE!
This is so pretty! I really like how the paint drips at the top and at the bottom, it really adds to the detail of the picture.
I am counted for....Day 2 wooooo-hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yummy picture~ is it water colour only?
I love what you did with the icing, such a cute print!
your artwork is very special! those cherries look amazing!
that is an added and probably the most special part of the giveaway basket. i must say that while i do not have your talent i do long to have a smidgen of the artistic gifts you possess. i want to thank you for being an inspiration on a number of blessed levels. i have been dormant and closed off for toooo many years. although unemployment has its share of struggles it has provided me with the opportunity to rediscover about me and learn to crawl and soon walk again. MUCHOS GRACIAS!!!!! xoxo
Let me know when I can't get one of those for me, will you? ;)
this is really nice. I was wondering how long does it take you to draw one of these? And do you watch tv/ listen to music when you do it? I'm curious how you get into the drawing zen...what inspires you