Little Things that Add the Illusion of Decadence to my Daily Life...

For any one that knows me, they know that somedays are just not easy and like many of us, I'm faced with having to muster up the emotional strength and courage to face another onslaught of oncoming 'life' traffic. So to those days and to all of you who can use a little decadence in your lives (especially when affluence is not in the cards) here is a little post that I think might help since it helps me!
Designer Treats CHEAP!

Yes, as of March 7th Target has added Jean Paul Gaultier for Target® to their limited designer series and it make me smile! Anything that brings accessibility to the ordinarily exclusive makes me happy. Since my college days (way back when) I've been a fan of slip dresses and in this target collection there are two; a green, black and white one and a pink and black one and now I have both! Yay!

Lemon Cream
This is one of those little opulent secrets I have that make me feel SO rich when I'm SSO not!! In the morning, I like to make some black tea and spread some of this Bella Cucina Artful Food Lemon Cream on raisin bread and mmm mmm mmmm! I just learned that this co. also has a blog called The Art of Food and there are often exquisite recipes shared! Bella also has a book entitled La Bella Vita Cookbook which includes not only more recipes but inspiration as well.
Mad Hatter at my back...TEA!!
Speaking of tea, I am a tea freak! I have a ridiculous attraction for a ceramic lined tea thermos and special tea-cups. Japanese green tea from Mitsuwa, but everyday is a black tea day.

A good tried and true black tea the Tazo Earl Grey BUT for those extra special splurge days I have to give it to Harney & Sons Paris tea!

There's an old adage that says you shouldn't be friends with your students, they have friends as it is and your job as an educator is to be removed from that. However, I find that idea prescribes to a very limited definition of friendship and it inhibits mentoring as an advisor. It is also an archaic form of education. We are people with stories, led by these narratives and by the very act of exchanging those stories we are developing friendships and mutual respect.So needless to say, another joy of my daily life is teaching, sharing, GIVING and exchanging with younger and simply OTHER human beings. In this pic my personal advisees and I, their personal advisor, flaunt our holiday gifts to eachother! Click the pic to see the Mai Sweetshop rings I made for each of them.
All Things Japanese

Love, Love, Love japanese craft books and going down to Edgewater, New Jersey where there is an Asian market named Mitsuwa that provides you a miniature experience of transporting you to Japan. They sell the best grocery treats and have an in-house cafeteria where you can get the most amazing sweet bean cakes in the shape of fish! I love all things Japanese and these are no exception- always guaranteed to bring a smile to my face!!
Nature Walks and The Discovery Channel

Going for long walks on a beautiful sunny day always makes me feel wondrously fortunate. After Planet Earth the next thing that gives me a sense of wonder and opulence is watching the new Discovery Channel series LIFE narrated by Oprah Winfrey. In this pic an African elephant calf follows its mother in Kenya's Masai Mara game reserve. Click to see this photo by Anup Shah to see it larger. Watch this with a little metal silver cup of ice cream with a long silver spoon and you will feel like your being carried in a canopy over the world.
Ok Your turn!
There's more but this post is getting long enough as it is. Share with all of us - What adds a little bit opulence/decadence/luxury or simply what make you feel so RICH when your so not?
Reader Comments (16)
The window is so pretty! I have to go there sometime to see for myself. I just checked out the Target Website, and now I HAVE to get a couple of tops from there. And that bean cake looks delicious~
Lemon cream? well thats i like wathing the discovery channel to when i come upon it for some reason i just dont change the channel after watching it :) lol
things for me:
- bubble baths. for some reason i just feel so relaxed, free, and pampered!
- trips to DC. When i'm in DC I feel rich by association
- expensive coffee. It's cheap compared to most things like a book or cd but it's expensive for coffee. $6 can go a long way to make you feel super rich and amazing!
Hm... being surrounded by good friends helps. Friendships are priceless, and having priceless things is something only the rich can do, no?
ah, if only I could go to Target...
LOVE the personal advisees part!!! i guess teachers like you (who i learn so much from), my friends (that also includes you), and my family (and poochie ting) are my luxuries. and finding cute outfits and jewelry that i can afford. and i agree with bubble baths.
oh and mitsuwa is heaven on earth.
Music can make me feel rich. Listen to my favorite kind of music (classic rock) make me relax and go back to the years when I was rich of adventures... (its sound like i'm really old right now...^_^) and music can be enjoyed only with a cup of ice coffee...
Thank You
What a nice post, luxury for me, probably getting some sort of cute cake that I usually don't eat, or macarons. Also buying a pile of books on sale makes me feel great. I just got 5 books for 25 euros, that really gave me the rich-experience.
Ok so you know that I'm that girl who knows just who is releasing a limited line at Target or H&M in fact I live for those moments. So because I love you here is a heads up on the next designer releasing a limited line for Target (ultra limited!) is none other than the amazing ZAC POSEN!!!!!! Look for that line I've seen the look book and it is all kinds of cute. The release date is quickly approaching 4/25/10.
When Jimmy Choo did the line for H&M this winter I was one of the first people on line at my closest H&M and while the line was not as inexpensive as most other collaborations I was able to buy a Jimmy Choo bag for $250 instead of $1000. That is one of the opulent things that make my day brighter. I bought about 50% of the p8ieces from that line, but it was a bit pricey and I don't do snake skin.
There is also Nutella, an old standby but really what isn't made better by nutella?
Designer Sneakers-If I have to wear sneakers I feel better if they are Dolce&Gabbana or Coach. It makes the mundane support shoe sparkle(literally in the case of my silver D&G sneaks).
Cranberry Chutney-The chutney spread dresses up a bland turkey sandwich
Smiles from my boys......
Well my commentary comes in two parts: FIRST--the more I read about you the more I see why we are kindred spirits. I too take shots of windows in NYC that draw me in for whatever reason or element. Mitsuwa is one of my all time fave places and am a HUGE fan of their Genmai tea (was just there about 2 weeks ago seeing as I was low on my stash). I love going to the little pottery/ceramic store for inspiration and the book store for all the cool little doodads that the Japanese make. The quality and workmanship of their items always draws me back to their stores. The food court in Mitsuwa is never a disappointment and is more than reasonbly priced. Tazo Earl Grey is too one of my all time greatest of black teas and will try the Harney & Sons Paris if and when I come across it. If you like lighter teas try Tazo Cucumber White (I enjoy this one too). I love and agree with your thought process of teaching and being their friend. In an effort to not make this longer we can chat this over some deliciously brewed tea. ;D
Thank you on the heads up on Target and Gaultier.
Well now onto part DEUX: As hinted earlier I am a lover of teas and do take comfort on sipping them as my furkids nuzzle up against me or contort themseleves in the knooks of my being. Experiencing them and bearing witness to their love and goofiness does make me feel richer than I could have ever imagined. I do feel fabulous getting pampered with massages and facials but since I have was laid off the means are not what they once were and thus resort to luxurious homemade treatments and facials which I too treat myself with either Hazelnut sorbet or Green Tea ice cream or a nice glass of wine or homemade connoction from my assortment of spirits. =D
What adds a little bit opulence/decadence/luxury or simply what make you feel so RICH when your so not?
The one thing that always stops time and makes me melt in pure decadence is a Lindt 70% Cacao Dark Chocolate square. So rich and delicious, but low carb (important for a diabetic) and good for me according to recent studies! ^-^
I loved the title of this post.
That window is umbelievable. Never seen anything like that.
I couldn't install that "RSS" follower properly. But as my blog is hosted at blogspot I can follow you through their program. I hope it's ok for you.
Come visit me again when you have some time.
I can't wait to see some more of your paintings.
cuss whoever thinks that you can't be friends with your students!!! people like you have made my life richer. that sounds so terribly cliche, but i mean it. the mutual respect sets you apart from other teachers and i think i am able to learn so much more. other luxuries.... bubble baths, walking though anthropologie, nylon magazine, and cafe angelique.
knowing that I am loved :)
I’m going to share something very personal to you with this post. I struggle with depression/ anxiety and some other issues I prefer not to post on the internet. I’ve been taking medication and finally I have stopped. I weaned myself off slowly, it has been difficult but it is for the best. There are times when I can’t hold on and I feel utterly hopeless. There are times when life is meaningless and I think that medication is the only thing that can help me. It has taken so much strength to continue on. So..”What adds a little bit opulence/decadence/luxury or simply what make you feel so RICH when you’re so not?”
My answer is 65 red roses.
She is a girl who suffered from cystic fibrosis and I remembered reading a post from her mother asking her what she missed the post in her life. She replied that she missed feeling the pressure change when you enter a supermarket, a hotel, any place with vacuum doors; she missed being able to sit at different heights in different chairs. Eva, the author, lived a majority of her life in a hospital bed at the same height. She inspired me to hang on and that my situation is not truly that bad because she appreciates the little things in life that we take forgranted. I never considered being able to sit in different types of chairs a luxury…but it is...for Eva. I have the privilege to sit in a chair or sit on the floor. One month before Eva passed away she recorded a message on youtube addressing the fact that she would pass away soon. People refer to it as her last message, her message on death. I think it takes a lot of courage to face death and to acknowledge it. Thinking about her and her courage makes me realize that I’ll be will pass…it’s nothing. So when I feel hopeless…I think of Eva, she didn’t give up, her hope never faltered, even when given notice that the end was near, Eva was hopeful she would get a lung transplant. My troubles are nothing compared to what Eva went through and her willpower and strength.
extravegant and beautiful. glitzy!