Illustrations for Two More Pen Pals and Indie shop Owners!

Ok so hopefully I could get back to doing some artwork for the exhibit coming up and stop being distracted by the urge to draw for my pen pals since these are the last two on my list!
Just call me the 'Queen of Procrastination' (though wouldn't it be cool to have a whole solo show on pen pal illustrations tee-hee) just kidding. Seriously I have to get serious...but for now here is some fun stuff.
First we have Marcie who owns a wonderful paper printing co. named REDSTARINK which you must see! My typography-fan readers will appreciate her clean, organized design aesthetic and her products to help you live more efficiently!
As you can see I reversed the words star and ink in my illo - hope Marcie doesn't mind the play with the words.
Then we have Bri who makes gorgeous head bands with butterflies and/or flowers- you need to check out her blog at Little Miss Famous to see! All my hipster lady friends will so want to buy one of those!

Well thats that for today. Thanks to all the wonderful responses I got to the last pen pal post about what kind of cupcake you would be if you were one- I got such creative and revealing answers!! And reader Emi found a seriously thorough what kind of cupcake would you be quiz that you should totally try.
Its hard to rival such a great q&a session but lets in keeping with the cupcake you said you would be in the last pen pal post what would the ideal drink with which to accompany your cupcake be if one were consuming you?
P.S. It's not to late to join the April 4th Basket Giveaway Raffle! For some of us Spring Break has started and the challenge to stop by has just become more difficult so your chances of winning are actually good! Just comment on every post since the GIVEAWAY post AND be sure to leave a NUMBER on your last comment on April 4th before 9pm!!
Reader Comments (22)
it has to be a glass of lemon squash .....
Probably blueberry vanilla tea, if that exists, I think that would taste great with it.
most definitely milk!
The butterfly is so pretty! I think it would be hot chocolate for me, or a mango sorbet drink.
Champagne!!!! There is nothing better with a yellow cake & buttercream cupcake AKA as an All American (I described myself as this) than a glass of the good stuff!! Also I am bubbly and have delusions of grandeur and champagne just fits.
Well as I began to read the question the first thing that popped into mind was something with coconut. And then I thought of a frosty glass of milk which is one choice but to remain true to my initial impulse thought of coconuts...the drink would have to be a concoction I have made which I call Coconut Lemonade which consists of coconut cream and lemonade. It is quite good, when I come over so our dogs can have a play date I'll make it for you. ;D
super cute! love my cupcake!
You did it again very cute.. I really like THE butterfly i am
totally in to butterfly's and THE cupcake also Nice, i just want to eat it hahaha :lol:
Well Hope to speak to you soon
hey ive never heard of harney and sons! I try not to be too preachy with all the info i have but i try to live as ethically as possible... by not shopping at places like wal mart... and trying to support local businesses as much as i can. I find that drinking coffee from local outlets is a great way to go and i always buy my coffee and tea from the oxfam fairtrade store or cafe direct :) thanks for ur comments! xo
I love the butterfly! I would be a cup of Passion Tazo tea sitting next to a vanilla cupcake. {I guess I am more into my drink than the cupcake}
As always I enjoy stopping by your blog! Thanks for all the comment love on my blog, keep it up {wink, wink}. nothing more comforting than a few comments.
Oh this is so easy!!!!!!!!! " French Vanilla Hot Cocoa" Mmmmm :o)
YOU ARE SO AMAZING! Thank you sooo much for the butterfly! I love love love it! Sorry I'm just now seeing it! It's been such a crazy week! I'm working on a package to send to you too! Hopefully I'll get it in the mail soon!
OMG IM HERE IM HERE IM COMMENTING! im srry im the last one but i had major hw to cover . Anyway mil;k wold probs be the drink lol
i love the punches of color and how different and unique the styles they both ( and you ) show through your art!
seems like I'm a Copacabana! Cupcake. A copawha?
i'd order a tall vanilla bean latte with skim with chocolate flakes.
i agree with the milk, but maybe hot cocoa or chai tea latte... mmmmm.
A Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks! Yum! My Favourtie! :)
Love these illustrations! And since my cupcake was rainbow, naturally the beverage would have to be just as colorful, I think... Rainbow milkshake! Or maybe something like this: ^_^
Milk? Macchiato? Really? I'd go for a beautiful glass of champagne with my beautiful chocolate cupcake! I think it maches, don't you?
hello marisol u are just so wonderful wow wow wow what a pretty good job please give me some of your talents love u and a big thank u for everything hope to see u soon manon
what would the ideal drink with which to accompany your cupcake be if one were consuming you?
something simple to go with something so sweet and rich