The Flyer to My Opening This Weekend

Basically, I ran out of funds this time (go figure - for my first solo in a long while) and couldn't order a postcard so I had to resort to making a flyer. I like it though - hope you do to. Wish you could ALL come! My goal is to have images from the show available for sale as small prints on the SHOP NOW! button up on my top menu bar so if you love a design it is accessible and afforadable.
- Ciao Amarettogirl!
Reader Comments (10)
This is absolutely stunning and something that resonates with me!!! I cannot wait to see your exhibition. The chances are slim that I'll make the opening with all the running around I have for that day, the dance rehearsal and then the bday bash in the evening (which I hope that you and Gregg will be able to make). But I will undoubtedly go to see it. Please let me know what the gallery's hours of operation are so that I can go check it out. And can you save me a signed copy of your flyer. I love keeping memorablia of things that are important to me and how much better to have a signed one at that. ;D
LOVE IT!!! CanĀ“t come but I would love to! All the success for you!!!
Congratulations! it looks so pretty. I am lovin' the frame. I saw a similar one in IKEA the other day and wanted to get it but I don't think my bf liked it as much as I did. Wish I could go and see your exhibition! xo
It is beautiful! The frame matches your art very well. I wish I could fly over there for the weekend. I hope you'll have a great time! Although I'm sure you will.
Wow! It's so beautiful.
I'm sure it will be a great success!
Too bad I'm so far.
This flyer is beautiful~! I'm going to beg my mom to take me, since I really want to see the beautiful pieces that will be displayed in the gallery~!
can't wait for saturday! so excited to see all the beautiful things you've created, and i hope we'll be able to celebrate together afterward
Soooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope i can come but im not sure yet cuz we dont know if we are going because we have people over for dinner thatn day, but we are trying to clear are scheduals and some how make it work so we can go!!! i really i hope i do go if it was my choice i would deffintely be the first one there lol ;) anyways i really REALLY hope i see u saturday loves ya !!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo
I love this flyer, and I just realized the frame is not a graphic but an actual frame? It's pretty. :)
love the typface too
it all just goes so well together
I hope I can make it on Saturday, but I have work, hopefully my hours are convenient -.-
Awesome! I love the flyer. I love seeing your artwork! Checking out your shop now ;)
Good luck!