Today is my Solo Exhibit at Azucarera...

If you're in the Azucarera Gallery area (Harlem, NYC 145th between Convent and Nicholas Avenue)tonight between 7-9pm stop by! We'll have some finger foods, wine, animal masks and art!
Thought this might be a good time to explain the title:
Bestia Fera is Latin for Beast, Beast, but if you're a Spanish speaker (like me) you'll note Fera is related to Feral which is defined as Salvaje/Wild. Hence making the title imply something more like Wild Beast to some. Still, my intent for Beast/Beast is purposeful since many of my subjects are half animal half human. I chose Latin as opposed to Spanish to drive the antiquity of the meaning home.
And I'm so happy to learn the event has been posted on ARTSLANT !
There are some new never before seen pieces in the show and there are some classics that started it all.
There are still a few loose ends to tie up, but after that I can exhale and be done! This show has been a bit more difficult than the other two exhibits from this previous year - I guess that's the feeling a solo generates. Not to mention, I had forgotten about the booking of this exhibit up until a month ago (and since I'm not a just-show-old-work-kind of girl) I had to produce the majority of all the work in the past three weeks. Then I got bronchitis, teach full-time and well - life happens. The show has only four previous pieces and that is because they play a significant conceptual role in what I'm doing today.