Primitive Folk Art, Fruition and Furnishings @ 18th Century Furniture

I know we think the whole arts and crafts community has been 'Etsified'... but surprisingly some of it hasn't- which means you gotta do it the ol' fashioned way and go there to get it! So I thought I'd do a post where I bring it to you in hopes that one day you can make it there.
Many people may not know I have a soft, mushy, heart spot for primitive, folk and country art. I guess moving out to bear country will do that to a person.
I've written about the wonderful arts and crafts community I found in Sugar Loaf, New York before (very close to Warwick NY great day trip from NYC).
Now I want to share a wonderful business collaboration that has just taken place between two of my all time FAVE Sugar Loaf business owners! Linda Gargano of Fruition and Manon Von Uchtrup from 18th Century Furniture and Builder- just think wood and fabric!
All the wood furnishings you see in these pictures, in addition to the building itself was built by Woodworker Peter VonUchtrup! He is a phenomenal woodworker and like the Taj Majal, he built for love. He has equipped this space with all Manon's needs to make a bountiful, BEAUTIFUL space to sell her signs and fabric pieces as well that of others.
Recently Linda of fruition Dolls and gifts (a local SugarLoaf fabric design shop) was about to fold and close its doors.
Manon, I and others love Linda's fabric shop so much and we shuddered at the thought of losing Linda, her shop and her amazing sewing classes. So what happened?
Manon being the amazing and savvy business owner she is, decided wood is only a compliment to fabric. She altered her 18th Century shop to house all of Linda's ware's within it. In addition, she altered the second story to make a stunning spot within which Linda can continue to teach her sewing classes, which I am a die hard fan of.
Ok So now the next time your Antique loving heart says I want to take a drive out to the country and see some shops - Because of me- you know where to go! Sugar Loaf is an easy day trip from New York City. Both of these business owners do commission and custom if you are interested in doing a MAIL ORDER please click the links at the beginning of this post for their contact info and contact them via email or phone to place an order. But I have even one better for you- These lovely ladies will be at a craft fair in Vernon NJ in two weeks and I have all the info:
Saturday, April 17th from 10am - 4pmat the Minerals Resort, 2 Chamonix Drive, Vernon NJ 07462
No worries -I haven't forgotten tomorrow is the GIVEAWAY - so get those comments posted, leave your emails/blog/website address and start thinking about that special number that you're going to comment about tomorrow BEFORE 9pm!!
-Ciao Amarettogirl