What's Hands Free?

SPC Challenge: Skill -I think it takes skill to tote your life around with you so that your hands are never 'Hands Free'. Honestly it may not be a skill, but a real compulsive-type-problem, but for today I'm honoring my insecurity as a skill!
Maybe next week I'll do a traditional skill image. Infact, I'm sure when this months challenge is over, I'll be regretting not having posted images of me painting, drawing, collaging, glassworking or sculpting (my so called real skills). However, I really love this image of the inside of my bag and it causes me both great joy and sadness to see it.
I CAN NOT sit still - and I leave my home everyday in preparation for the dreaded moment that I may be stuck in a situation; waiting with nothing to do...or that a life altering event will happen (post 911 style) and I won't know if I need a particular thing...like MacGyver scissors on demand.
A while back I was inspired my a book entitled, Whats in Your Bag? and posted a blog post about it, with this image. It is about an artist's photographic survey about what people have in their bags on any given day. One thing I didn't notice then (not even when I answered the question Whats's In your bag today?) was the amount of bags within bags that I carry. Like most women I carry a small make-up bag, but I also carry my pencil case which alone is heavy and is stacked with Sharpies, an exacto knife, replacement blades, glue stick, pencils of every varying lead weight, ink pens, a pair of all metal specialty scissors for collaging and crochet needles etc.,,
The biggest issue is that I NEVER go ANYwhere without my bag. In fact I was just on vacation and trekked out on both 'dress up casino night' and 'dress down beach day' even - just a 'flip-flop' walk to the corner store with my bag and friends commented..."What are you taking that for?" I have been known to do my art ANYwhere, collaging during intermissions, and I do always have a quick come-back response like, "Oh this is my security blanket, I don't leave home without it..." but I wonder if the core reason isn't all about fear...regardless today I'm celebrating it!
Self-portrait? Well it is a more honest, revealing self-portrait than any I could imagine- you have to look carefully but my work ID all the way in the right middle of the pic, has my face on it!
At the time I took this shot this is all I had to say about what was in my bag at that moment: "What's in your bag today? See for yourself! My laptop, my work folders, my mimobot usb, my ipod, oooh my camera is missing I had to use it to take the pic, but I never leave my house without my canon! My I'm-bored-with-this-mtg-so-i'll-crochet project, my coffee-cup change purse, hand purifier, my self-made accessory holders, my pencil case, sketchbook...yeah this bag can pack a punch!" I think it packs so much more than a punch now-- its the truest, most super-real portrait of myself I have ever painted---bittersweet and it makes me a bit sad.
There is a Flickr photogroup all over this What's in Your Bag -question! Click and check them out! I'm not a flickr member yet, but I may have to join to be a part of this pool! In addition, Instyle magazine also has a page dedicated to photos of what's inside people's bags!
So here is a new question what self-portrait identifying material would be in your bag and what would it reveal about you that you may not have realized about yourself that is both good and BAD??

Reader Comments (3)
Wow, I'd like to see the bag that holds all of that :) I am such a minimalist, I take a few necessities (small wallet, sunglass case, a pen, pain reliever, cell phone) and a few small extras (tictacs, lip gloss bag) I do have a handy swiss army knife tool on my key chain, for emergencies & such. That's about it!
amazing amount of stuff...your arms must be huge or your back is in mucho pain! i love the variety of art making stuff and things that record things...from notes to pictures...it says alot about you but also about the culture and world at large. the hand sanitizer for instance or the computer. even the school ID. nice post!
I didn't even recognize that this was your blog until I saw the laptop, but NOBODY else has a laptop like that. =]