Shine/ Live/Thrive

Ok, so I discovered the Flickr toy, "Mosaic Maker" and kind of went crazy...Then when I read blogger Hula Seventy's featured quote by Emily Dickinson
“I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine.” ~emily dickinsonI started to think about the word 'shine' itself. I also read the words 'Get your shine on' by someone, somewhere (I know not where) and realized how wonderful it is that this word with such physical material qualities can translate to also imply 'LIVE'. What I love about this self-portrait mosaic is that it combines self-portraits of me living with the good and bad -fears and joys- past and present. To me Shine is also to THRive. Live your best life - including the dragons...blood, sweat and tears.

Reader Comments (6)
My favorite is the 3rd from the left on the bottom row - the sparkly, shiny underwater shot!
Really cool to see these SP's over so much time and, as you say, so many moods, etc.
Love this mosaic! So many moods, so many ways to 'shine'! Great post!
i reallly love the photo mosaic...intrigued by the eye, the underwater shots and just love those stripey legs!
What a cool idea! I love the mosaic maker, but wouldn't have thought of it for this challenge. Great take on the theme!
Thank you for the visit to my site & the comment!
I love your take on the theme, and I LOVE the mosaic!