The Kokeshi Doll Trend & Make Your OWN!

What is Kokeshi?? Well, according to Japanya site:
Kokeshi dolls originate from the Tohoku region of Northern Japan, an area well-known for its onsen (hot spring) resorts. These handmade wooden dolls are thought to date back to the early 19th century when kijiya (woodworkers), accustomed to making bowls and trays, began using their woodworking skills and lathes to make simple dolls to sell as toys and souvenirs to the onsen visitors. The dolls may originally have had a spiritual significance with the kokeshi representing a wish for a healthy child.
Usually you can find the artist signature under the doll.
This trend is hot! Right now on Etsy you can find some diversified Kokeshi inspired wares such as; Aprons, Bags, clothing, Customs, shoes, etc., just check out some of these creative Etsy Sellers!

Contemporary Kokeshi dolls have found their way into the Urban Toy market, on the internet and in hot crafty corners like Etsy.
The company Momiji is based in Warwickshire, England and has gone international with their Kokeshi-like dolls. They have cleverly incorporated little secret message space in their Momiji dolls and have been selling them in Art and Design, Museum Gift shops, Comic and music stores around the country too! Momiji has received a lot of press too in magazine's such as Dazed and Confused, POP Magazine, Elle Decoration, The Sunday Times, The Independent, The Observer and Computer Arts Projects too.
I thought it would be fun to write a post about the interesting history of Kokeshi dolls and inspire you to try to make YOUR own since you can even find Kokeshi ORIGINAl Hand-painted Artist Kokeshi dolls AND Do it yourself KITS on Etsy these days too!

>>To see a wonderful gallery of exhibited high-end Contemporary Artist painted Kokeshi that range from sweet, to dark, to sublime, to creative, to extravagant go to the Japanese American National Museum Site and check out their info on the PAST exhibit (it was from July 11th - Oct. 4th 2009)- but They still have many of the customs available in their shop and they are amazing to look at!! The prices range from $200-$650 (as far as I can tell) - the link is HERE!!
But here's the best part of this post- In the US you can currently go to most craft shops like Michael's or A.C. Moore (or any other that you know of that sells wood pieces or parts) Or if you're anywhere (even outside the US) you can buy the assembled parts from an Esty Seller like Zombuki and MAKE YOUR OWN!!!

If you get inspired to try your hand at designing and painting your own Kokeshi doll from this blog - PLEASE let me know I would love to SEE it and Post about it!
P.S. Its not too late to enter my April 4th basket GIVEAWAY!!!-
Ciao Amarettogirl

Reader Comments (26)
They are beautiful, I real like the two by the Etsy artists. I bought a very similar yet very old doll at a Flea market in Baltimore last spring.
HI there!
I love this little dolls...I made a few of those pretty girls...maybe I can show you some pics in the future :D
These look fun & easy to make! I might just give it a try... ^-^
awe they look adorable! I want one! haha. Maybe it will become my next project after this indie biz course! Great post! Keep 'em coming! xo
I am loving this trend right now too. I have a few kokeshi dolls that I picked up on my trips to Japan. ADORABLE! Great post.
These dolls are always so pretty, their bright colors really pop on their small figures.
Now I just have to find out where to buy one in a shop...
YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN IZZY. hi ms. diaz, thank you for representing us japanese girls and not blonde reese witherspoon look-alikes.
1. thanks for commenting on my blog! it was SOOOOO nice to see all those comments. totz made my night.
2. i want to make my own! (reese-lookalike)
Thank you for introducing these cutes lovely dolls. This is the first time I meet them ( I'm not really 'au currant').
Thank You
i love these, it would have been such a cool project to do when we did woodwork last year, also, these remind me of russian dolls!
That is so cutte! I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU POST UP! LOL p.s. sry this comment waz so late, school was preventing me etc. :3
yuppers... sorry i just wanted to add in my url lol :)
I am accounted for......Day 3 woooooo-hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds cute! I might try this. But we don't seem to have kokeshi dolls sold hereabouts..
Kokeshi dolls are awesome and it's so cool that you can make your own. Thanks for the tip!
I LOVE the momiji lucky doll (yours!) Were these orginally made for children to play with? I'm not familiar with the history. Some things are made just as figurines
Cute dols, i really want one, and then give here à cute makeover to look just like me. Hahaha
i always want to have à mini me hihih
These dolls are amazing! I love the different creative examples and can't wait to see what you come up with. I also really like the idea of wish for the healthy child.
Wow! I love all japanese art, and the Kokeshi is a dream!
I had a very little one but I lost it.
your site is amazing!
i love the variation of the koheshi dolls. i am not as creatively savy as you but would like to take a crack at creating my own. one of things to add on my list of creative projects!!! if its successful i'll share the pics with you. ;D
I LOVE kokeshi dolls! Their elegance, design, simplicity, and beauty are irresistable!!
Kokeshi dolls remind me of my childhood...growing up in midwest America and receiving a package from relatives in Japan with a beautiful wooden doll inside! Now as a grownup, I create and craft handmade greeting cards, all inspired by Kokeshi dolls!
Love the blog--great work and fabulous pics!
will you be making one? I would love to see one of your designs
this reminds me of the
you dot one eye for a goal and once you fulfill the goal you dot the other eye. It makes me sad sometimes to think that there are some goals that are not completed and the doll is missing one eye. If I had one I would be motivated to do everything to fulfill that goal
wow!!! I loved them all...
I love to collect KOKESHI Dolls! And put them together and name it "The KOKESHI Dancers". Wew