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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

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This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Illustrating with Nail Polish

Ever consider doing a drawing with a set of these:

Well I did. And if you didn't know there are a bunch of great art pieces out there made by folks using all sorts of deliciously different and unconventional drawing materials like mascara, ketchup and fries, chocolate, vegemite on toast and even cheesepuffs!

Also don't forget my post on multi-talentedVik Muniz!

Well as I was lounging and playing in my altered book, I was perusing some fashion mags and I came across this computer generated advertisement for Intermix that really inspired me:


Intermix Print Ad in a fashion magazine Ad side by side with nail-polish version by me, m.diaz Illustration done with nail polish and white ink by marisol diaz detail 2 nail polish illustration by marisol diaz

Sorry the pics aren't the best they were taken with my iphone as I was giving my camera a break.

Hope this inspires you to think outside the box and make your mark with ANYTHING!!!

Ciao- Amarettogirl

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Reader Comments (11)

i like it! great job :]

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteryourstrulydear

OMG ur such a great artist! thats so creative ! :]

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRina

ah dude! this looks so good! i can't believe that's all nail polish and ink, it reminds me of the whole optical blending thing with the pointillists, just in streaks.

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercolin

That's a HOT joint Marisol, as you continue to inspire. Teacher may we have another, well done my friend.

September 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRoy Cutkelivn

This is amazing Mari!!! You astonish me more and more =)

September 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTital

it looks so dope. i love it. (cooper agrees)

September 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlightfoot

Love it. I once did some prints with lipstick which was a great idea in theory but then got all over the place. Ha. Nonetheless, the color in this piece is fabulous and I love the concept. Bravo!

September 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRosie

I absolutely love this <3

September 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHanna

this is awesome. that's all i have to say :)

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentervrock

amarettogirl, your frequent posts are missed! great teachers like you inspire!


September 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterB

I absolutely love this! I was in awe when I saw it first hand, You never cease to amaze me with your inspirational creativity. OXOX
Looking forward to learning this too. ;D

September 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSharon <3

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