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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

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This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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CRAFT: I'm a Crafter!
The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto

No Sew Butterfly Costume

So this year I was really worried I would fail halloween. You see, I make an annual BIG wearable art sculptural costume for a fifteen minute halloween parade at the school where I work, and well this year my stressful schedule started to get the better of me. I was completely flummoxed had no ideas, down with a cold and extremely exhausted.

So I went to Home depot and walked the isles - I ended up with two blue 9X12 tarps, industrial strength duct tape and thin tubes of 5ft PVC pipe - in my mind I was thinking that somehow wings could be made with this collection.

the finished wings

I got home and through sniffing and coughing, I cut out the shapes and began attaching the pvc pipe to keep the shape. Another challenge with this particular costume every year is that it has to be transportable in the car and must collapse in shape and reopen. Lastly, I knew I didn't have the wherewithal to decorate the wings and gluing stuff on them could make them too heavy. So I called up a friend, a former student, graffiti artist ACET to see if at the last minute she could help me out of this pinch. Sure enough she did and well needless to say I didn't fail Halloween!! I used a backpack to wear the wings and well - that's it!

Veronique Broussard a.k.a Acet painting my wings Me working on the wings, when Acet made me put down the light and help!the finished costume the day of the parade in the gymnasium me and other costumed teachers!

Witchy Women/ Making an OOAK Fabric Doll @ Sugarloaf 

Some of you may remember I posted about a wonderful fabric shop I found in Warwick New York this past summer - if the not click here to read it. The name of the shop is Fruition Dolls and Gifts. The owner Linda Gargano makes her fiber-filled fun shop even more enticing by hosting classes in the space.

Fruition business card So my first class was this month to make a Witchy Woman fiber doll.

Being the big crafter, fabric lover and halloween fan that I am, I couldn't wait to make this doll!

OOAK means one of a kind and regardless of Linda teaching us with a fabric pattern for the body and head, when each student makes fabric decisions and soft sculpture happens on the face, every one of our dolls turns out completely unique and one of a kind.

Linda's Demo doll and an unfinished body sample

The class was incredibly pleasant with 4-5 of us students sitting in a fiber-filled haven around a wooden table. Seeing each of our efforts evolve in a few hours was incredible. Class was only two-three classes long so we did much embellishing and stuffing outside of class. Linda's expertise in fiber doll making was a wonderful treasure trove of excitement because every stitch brought the characterless face to astonishing life!

the characterless heada witch head getting her color appliedLinda's Witchy WomanAnother classmates Witchy WomanAll of our Witchy Women Dolls!My Unfinished Witchy Woman Doll!All of our Witchy Women Full body pic!!



Costumes Past Revisited- The NBC Peacock

Here's a five year old costume that I made for our school's 15 minute halloween parade. The NBC Peacock- there's a novel idea. I engineered the tail to open and close like a fan to fit in the car and through doorways. I used refrigerator box cardboard in long slits attached them all just like a fold-out fan. Then I made faux fur straps to tie around my waist and back (like a fanny-pack/backpack) to hold it on me while I walked. Yeah, Micheal's craft store made a lot of money off me buying royal blue boa's- I think I exhausted their supply!

me as the NBC peacock meMy husband Gregg as an NBC news anchor
Here we are together - Anchor and Peacock Boo!

Halloween Invitations Tutorial- The Coffin Invite

Heres a tutorial thats hopefully not too late! Make coffin invites and remind your guests we're all invited sooner or later to that other worldly place...these are especially great for murder mystery parties!

closed, wrapped and ready to go invite Inside detail Finished Invite

Ok so lets start the tutorial:

Buy a 6 pack (or more) of mini skeletons at the craft store Size and trace a paper template of a coffin buy Lightweight Balsa strips and cut template out Use an exacto knife to cut the template out - cut as many as you needCut strips of Balsa around 2"wide & using a glue gun glue them to template edge Use masking tape to make a movable hinge apply the lid!make sure to place the tape on the outside and inside hinge Print out a black rectangle with your text formated to the left, then trace and cut your template out of it.shredded paper makes a great filler

That's it folks- just paint your coffin black use some shredded paper and cloth for extra padding for your corpse, then place that sucker in there - glue in your party info and close the lid! Twine makes a great wrapping cord and consider a funeral flower as a nice final touch!


Halloween Dessert Idea- Pot 'O Dirt!

One of my all time favorite desserts. I learned about Pot'O Dirt during our very first murder mystery dinner party by a guest. That was 6 years ago and we have thrown a murder mystery party every year since. Every once in a while we revisit this dessert.

Our second time making pot o dirt desserts - minus the gummy worms and spiders :(

So if you've never come across this great idea before, let me break it down for you.

You will need the following:

  • as many small terra-cotta plant pots as you have guests (you can buy these at many craft stores, home supply, garden or even convenient stores (do those still exist?)
  • small paper dessert cups to place inside the terra-cotta pots (since most have nice big holes on the bottom, you don't want your ice cream to come pouring out!)
  • Your favorite flavor icecream
  • Clean fake flowers (if you really want to be fancy consider edible flowers with long stems)
  • Oreos that are separated and ground up to be dirt!
  • Candy - Gummy worms and spiders - then VOILA! You're done(YAY!)
  • Imagine adding some little tombstones...(hmm thats an idea).

The mummy eating some dirtDr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde eating some dirt

All Hallow's Eve 21st Century Digital Mysticism- Cyberternity

Warning: This post contains some morbid thoughts on the after-life...if you don't like that don't read it.

Hechicera Illustration on Shrinking Dinks by marisol diaz from the 52 exhibit Hechicera means Witch

So in honor of the eerie things that we should dangle from our virtual hearth this month, I wanted to share some finds with you unlike those typical pumpkin lights. Something more like 21st century digital mysticism inspired by one of my all time fave show's NPR's Radio Lab on the Afterlife in which our hosts explore eleven meditations on the afterlife, on how, when, and even if we die...

NYT article from March 11, 1907For example how did we get the concept of the soul weighing 21 grams??? Would Dr. Duncan MacDougall even be credited in his experiments today?

Dr. Frankenstonian Thought: Can the human brain be replicated and designed to be immortal? If so would it be really be you? What, if any, OBJECTS will survive the human race, listen to some thoughts on future fossils with an interview between producer Lulu Miller and the author and scientist Jan Zalasiewicz who wrote The Earth After Us.

and one of my favorites parts of the radio lab story (and the true inspiration for this post) - CYBERternity - what is it?

Well based on the definitional explorations from the Radio Lab show it is a multitude of electronic ways in which we can create the afterlife on-line.

New sites that REALLY DO allow your words to be read after you pass! One site Future Me is really for while you're alive, but if you listen to the Afterlife Radio Lab show - you'll see how sometimes it can inadvertently communicate from the dead.

So here is the low-down on Future me (which I plan to use soon, just to remind myself that I plan to celebrate my 'way-in-the-decade-future-fiftieth-birthday' for fifty days).

two fellas started this here site so that you could write yourself a letter to be delivered at a later date. we've all had to do them in high school and college. it's sorta cool to receive a letter from yourself about where you thought you'd be a year (two years? more?) later. FutureMe.org is based on the principle that memories are less accurate than emails. we strive for accuracy.
Dead flower - from On Dying series photo by m.diaz Then there is the really spooky, but real cyberternity site; Death Switch. This site claims to bridge the divide between mortality! Big claim - well creator David Eagleman designed the site to allow you to share unspeakable secrets, love notes, passwords, last word in an argument and/ or financial instructions or final wishes after you pass from this life. How you ask?

A deathswitch is an automated system that prompts you for your password on a regular schedule to make sure you are still alive. When you do not enter your password for some period of time, the system prompts you again several times. With no reply, the computer deduces you are dead or critically disabled, and your pre-scripted messages are automatically emailed to those named by you.

So there it is. Some bloggers think its not a good idea especially when considering password security but blogger Sephem Ubulwembu says it is if you use it correctly - and even gives some great tips on how to use Deathswitch correctly and securely. Read his article here. Well it seems this is where we are all heading. So listen to the Afterlife Show on Radio Lab, get creeped out (its only right we are in mid October!) and consider sending your future self or those you love messages from the future or the grave.

Happy Halloween Folks!



Adventures in making Martha Stewart's Haunted Halloween Cake 

Warning some halloween adventures are harder than others!!

Martha Stewart's Inspiring Haunted House Cake Last year one of the stellar ideas I got from Martha Stewart Living for my murder mystery party was this 8 layer haunted house cake. Grant it I'm not a professional baker, and in the past I had some not-so-great experiences trying some other MS halloween cake ideas (which aren't always the simplest for civilians like me to produce). Yet, I attempted this gem of an idea anyway.

So here's a warning for all those 'creatives' out there thinking they can do these recipes...an 8" round baking pan is not the same as a 9" and the stacking of a cake is seriously affected by the thickness of the cake. If you've never made a tiered cake perhaps there should be a difficulty level symbol starring this particular recipe to let you know you may be getting way over your head the day before 12 people are coming over for a murder mystery!

Lastly, you can be sure there were many a professional involved in the making and photographing of this marvelous Martha cake.

My version of Martha Stewart's Haunted House Cake My haunted house cake lit up from behind! The whole NIGHTMARE of cake before it was dismantled to be eaten! The cake WITHOUT the Haunted house and our little mysterious man revealed!

Halloween Dreams Begin

So its that wonderfully glorious time of year again when us creatives who are wild about Halloween start to emerge out of our underground stupor. Halloween is coming and this year it falls on a Saturday!!! Hooray!! For the last six years my husband and I have thrown a murder mystery dinner party that we go all out for - though I haven't thought (silly me) to share any of that here on my blog - but now I will - so get ready for some Halloween Inspired posts!!

Some old murder mystery dinner invites - a la Martha Stewart Style Martha Stewart Living Halloween Issue Out Now!!

Even though I wasn't too big a fan of Martha Stewart and her aesthetic in the past, I have been wholeheartedly won over for the last six years by her annual Halloween issue (of the magazine), which is outstanding, classy and vital if you're a Halloween freak like me! Martha Stewart's team is the first and really only group I have seen treat halloween with a high concept driven and sophisticated quality.

Another great Halloween reference tool (specifically for DIY costumes) is Threadbanger.

Personally I love to make large sculptural wearable costumes and I often find that Threadbanger has wonderful DIY tips on how to make countless halloween appendages like wings, steampunk and various other goulish treats.

This year I'm particularly interested (as I'm sure many others now are) in Martha Stewart's white out contact lenses (the ones featured on the cover of her MSL halloween issue.

So stay posted for LOTS of great ideas for your 2009 halloween, great halloween costume, decorating and murder mystery tips!


My Latest Cupcake Container!

For my cousin Tai's Birthday this year I tested out a new prototype for my MAI Sweetshop Line - a giant faux cupcake container! It has one major compartment for a fairly large jewelry gift (big enough for a watch) and a secret small top container great for a pair of earrings or a ring.

Cupcake container by marisol diaz container open

It was the perfect gift box to house some of my latest Mai Sweetshop gifts, a strawberry-shortcake-on-a-silver-platter necklace and a cupcake ring!

Tai opening her B'day gift at Alice's Tea Cup - Another great Tea House!Aerial Cupcake view

Charlotte's Tea Room- One of My Favorite Places when living an Art- full life!

While shopping for my own pocket full of sunshine this past summer, or as Edward would say 'my own personal brand of heroine' (which tea just happens to be for me), I discovered Charlotte's Tea Room in Warwick, NY.

Charlottes Tea Room in Warwick NY - photo by m.diaz

Whenever we visited historic Warwick (which is a around a 40 min drive away for us) we would drive by the big Tea Room sign and I would pine away for my desire to go inside...we were either headed toward the community center for a film, the arts and crafts community Sugar Loaf, Warwick's Drive-in and needing to pick up some late dinner or quaint store-front shopping and we therefore never made it in. Then this summer's issue of Where Women Create (as my readers know, I love that mag!!) actually featured Charlottes Tea Room and I was like "today we are going to Warwick with only the intention of going into that tea house!" And so we did!

Charlotte's is only an hour drive from NYC and it is an award winning Tea shop set inside a gorgeous Victorian home.

My teapot as part of my Queen's Tea order - photo by m.diaz

The restaurant utilizes three different rooms and a wrap-around porch and each have a different design theme! There is the Blue Willow Room which is laden with blue and white china (I want to sit in there next time), the Library which has an English 'cloak and dagger feel inspired by the board game Clue', and lastly the Garden room which is where I sat on my first visit. In each room the furniture and tableware reflects the theme.

So in the garden room all the tables are white wrought iron, the windows have topiaries and all the tea sets are embellished with flowers.

A shelf in the Garden Room of Charlotte's Tea Room - photo by m.diaz My cup of Paris Black tea - photo by m.diaz

I was there for lunch and was so impressed not only with the quality of the artistic culinary experience, but also the affordability! I ordered the Queen's tea, there was also the princess tea (and of course wee-tea's for the little ones!) and the menu also offers countless other options. My Queen's tea came with a large pot of tea (more than enough for two), a plate of salad, a large delicious scone, a sandwich of six rectangular cut mini tea-sandwiches AND dessert!! I chose Key-lime pie - yum! All of that was just $13 - Bet you can't beat that lunch fare experience anywhere in NYC!

My husband ordered his own entree, with the intentions of sharing only my tea, but he shared my scone and dessert too!

My Queen's tea order @ Charlotte's Tea Room! photo by m.diaz

We have researched recipes from England, Ireland, and our own grandmother's kitchen's to bring you sweets and savories, that will not only please your palate, but will be a delight to your eyes.

The hydrangea lamp on our table - photo by m.diaz So if this Labor Day weekend you're looking for a day trip that's really worth it- an experience that will transport you (like when the radio is chiming out the lyrics to the song Pocketful of Sunshine 'Take me away to a sweet escape...' consider a trip out to Warwick NY.

My Key Lime pie dessert choice -photo by m.diaz A shelf in the Garden Room in Charlotte's Tea Room - photo by m. diaz

As my loyal readers know, I almost flipped when I saw these fake cupcakes since I'm a big fan and maker of faux, Trompe l'oeil sweetness!

Charlotte's Tea Room Hours!!

Since Charlotte's Tea Room is so popular on the weekends and is only open Wed thru Sunday its best to call before heading over (so they can save a table!) - the number is (845) 988-9499
The tea room has recently been awarded the "Best of the Best" by Hudson Valley Magazine and a "Reader's Choice Award" by the Tea House Times, and Teamap has ranked them #1 in New York State!

The check in a tea-cup - photo by m.diazA table on the wrap-around porch at Charlotte's - photo by m.diaz<
So if you love tea, don't say I didn't tell you where to go!
