Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Grab This Blog's Widget! < Amarettogirl
CRAFT: I'm a Crafter!
The Small Is Beautiful Manifesto


I can't believe I won a GIVEAWAY Too! I know many of us like to go around saying that we never win anything, but seriously people the last thing I won was 10 years ago in Coney Island with one eye intensely focused on a scary clown's open mouth while I aimed and shot a stream of water from a pistol straight into it. The secret - strategy and a low number of competitors.

Actually come to think of it, I did get a stuffed pink animal from the claw machine two weeks ago with my mom (she's addicted to claw machines) but that doesn't count since the machine lets you play UNTIL you win.

But I digress, I won! And I did so on a day that I couldn't have been more tired, down and out, and just flat sad. Laura Belle is a full-time designer and maker from Minnesota. Her blog and shop is called OH HI! and she recently had a birthday giveaway- I had to write about my fave birthday gift. YAY! You can see that post here.

The handmade piece I won from Laura Belle of OhHishop phot courtesy of OhHI!!

Next post I'll be showing you the flyer to this weekend's gallery opening, I ended up having too little funds to order a postcard this time around, and so I had to resort to making a flyer (old school).

- Ciao Amarettogirl



While over visiting Redstarink's blog and having some Easter Morn mimosa's with her yesterday, I was introduced to 21stcentury Hipstamatic images.

The Hipstamatic camera is a plastic toy camera produced during 1982-1984 by Bruce and Winston Dorbowski,two brothers that remind me of the clever entrepreneuring bros Fred and George Weasley of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

Well leave it to Iphone application designers to come up with an app that for me takes the cake on the best app totally worth the $1.99! The app comes with different lenses, film and even flashes like one called lemon pop!

The app website is wonderful too and they even host a monthly contest show in which you can win a $100 Itunes gift card! I think I want to enter but I might need your help on choosing which images fit the theme the best.

But for now here are my first test runs with my new Hipstamatic camera on the Iphone and glimpses of my Easter Sunday!

My first Hipstamatic photo by m. diaz

My baby Chica Hipstamatic photo by m.diaz

Spring has started photo by m.diaz


And the WINNER is...


Sorry about the low quality video but, Congrats to everyone and I will be doing MORE and EASIER giveaways soon - I'm thinking maybe once every other month! and If you are really sad...send me your snail mail address and I will send you a little drawing to make you smile :)) But only if you're really sad - cuz I'm a super duper busy person!;) XOXOOXOXO I can't believe I got that all done in an hour!

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Happy Easter! And Another Special Delivery!

Easter Basket GIVEAWAY

Today will will be the end of our exchange via an Easter tradition that used to light up our days as little children, THE EASTER BASKET!
I did this giveaway in lieu of paying for advertising and in order to get to know my readers better, so your thoughtful comments were an essential entry rule.

How it will work:

  • Comment for this post today with a NUMBER that you choose between 0-75 BEFORE Eastern Standard Time 9pm (and remember if you see someone else has chosen your number in the comments of this post - you should CHANGE your number becuase that number has laready been claimed).
  • Check that you thoughtfully commented on every other post since the GIVEAWAY began and/or
  • If you have a BLOG or WEBSITE link back to this GIVEAWAY with a post about it that you share a link to with me
  • Be a follower of this blog
  • Check BACK after EST 9pm to see WHO chose the WInning NUmber and wish them well!

Now on to today's business - I received MY FIRST pen pal RESPONSE!!

My Unopened Package from Redstarink fresh from the mailbox

My Pen pal RedStarInk, who I am now a lifelong fan of, sent me a response to my cupcake illustrated letter.

At first I saw only the word 'Girl' through the tissue paper and I knew that Marcie of Redstarink had made a clever choice of a word for me. However I then peeled away the tissue paper to see just how brilliantly thoughtful that gift was.

All of my paper products are handmade. I design, print, and assemble each product myself. I strive to be as eco-friendly as possible, using recycled papers and packaging. I try to create my products in sizes that result in no wasted paper. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I enjoy meeting fellow Etsy artists and buyers.

-Redstarink's Etsy Shop

Marcie (of Redstarink) is a graphic designer with an indie printing business that produces functional work that has respect for typography, impeccable, clean, bold lines and a sharp aesthetic. If you ever need any functional paper products you know who to go to - she is fantastic- just look at this:

The opened package Marcie of RedstarInk at Work My gift wrapped in tissue paperMy beautiful Amarettogirl notebook by Redstarink

Primitive Folk Art, Fruition and Furnishings @ 18th Century Furniture 

I know we think the whole arts and crafts community has been 'Etsified'... but surprisingly some of it hasn't- which means you gotta do it the ol' fashioned way and go there to get it! So I thought I'd do a post where I bring it to you in hopes that one day you can make it there.

Manon VonUchtrup (Left) and Linda Gargano (Right)

Many people may not know I have a soft, mushy, heart spot for primitive, folk and country art. I guess moving out to bear country will do that to a person.

I've written about the wonderful arts and crafts community I found in Sugar Loaf, New York before (very close to Warwick NY great day trip from NYC).

Now I want to share a wonderful business collaboration that has just taken place between two of my all time FAVE Sugar Loaf business owners! Linda Gargano of Fruition and Manon Von Uchtrup from 18th Century Furniture and Builder- just think wood and fabric!

Aprons by Linda from Fruition available ONLY at 18th Century Furnishings and Builders in Sugar Loaf NY photo by m.diaz Prim Signs handmade by Manon VonUchtrup and she does CUSTOM! Housewares in an Antique Kitchen photo by m.diazHousewares from 18th Century Furnishings photo by m.diaz 18th Century Furniture and Builders owned by Peter and Manon VonUchtrup

All the wood furnishings you see in these pictures, in addition to the building itself was built by Woodworker Peter VonUchtrup! He is a phenomenal woodworker and like the Taj Majal, he built for love. He has equipped this space with all Manon's needs to make a bountiful, BEAUTIFUL space to sell her signs and fabric pieces as well that of others.

First Story of 18th Century Builders owned by Peter and Manon VonUchtrup of Sugar Loaf Handmade fabric crafts by Manon - most likely taught by Linda!

Recently Linda of fruition Dolls and gifts (a local SugarLoaf fabric design shop) was about to fold and close its doors.

Manon, I and others love Linda's fabric shop so much and we shuddered at the thought of losing Linda, her shop and her amazing sewing classes. So what happened?

Manon being the amazing and savvy business owner she is, decided wood is only a compliment to fabric. She altered her 18th Century shop to house all of Linda's ware's within it. In addition, she altered the second story to make a stunning spot within which Linda can continue to teach her sewing classes, which I am a die hard fan of.

Linda Gargano in front of the Quilt Chest at Manon's 18th Century Furnishings shop photo by m.diaz Handmade Primitive Folk Art Wares at 18th Century FurnishingsEntrance with Wood Furnishings and Linda's Bags photo by m.diaz Antique shoes at !8th Century Furnishings and Builders photo by m.diaz

Ok So now the next time your Antique loving heart says I want to take a drive out to the country and see some shops - Because of me- you know where to go! Sugar Loaf is an easy day trip from New York City. Both of these business owners do commission and custom if you are interested in doing a MAIL ORDER please click the links at the beginning of this post for their contact info and contact them via email or phone to place an order. But I have even one better for you- These lovely ladies will be at a craft fair in Vernon NJ in two weeks and I have all the info:

Saturday, April 17th from 10am - 4pm
at the Minerals Resort, 2 Chamonix Drive, Vernon NJ 07462

No worries -I haven't forgotten tomorrow is the GIVEAWAY - so get those comments posted, leave your emails/blog/website address and start thinking about that special number that you're going to comment about tomorrow BEFORE 9pm!!

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Bear in The Yard...Again

Spring has officially begun when the bears come out in our neighborhood.

Bear in the Yard! First of the Spring photo by m.diaz Oh oh its getting closer! photo by g. emery Woa! I think it Likes me! photo by g. emery See ya or So I thought...photo by g. emery

My hub thought the bear was gone as it walked behind the shed but when he peaked around the shed he was greeted by a big, fat, furry head and well lets just say there are no pics of that!! LOL!! We had to run over to the neighbors and start yelling 'BEAR' as they had small children outside playing. I love seeing these gentle giants up close but I fear and respect them too.

I worked tirelessly all last night and this morning on updating my website so that small prints of my art can be bought through my site. Hopefully I'll be posting about that soon (still not done)!

Ok folks, the GIVEAWAY will be in two days and your odds of winning have increased as those who couldn't comment on every post have fallen by the wayside! On April 4th hub and I will roll the bingo cage - YOU must comment on April 4th to the most recent post with a NUMBER between 1 - 75 (that's how high the bingo balls go!) The winner will be posted on April 5th!! It could be you! - Remember you won't be able to claim the prize if I have no EMAIL for you.

A Bear sighting is the mark of Spring for us... What's the personal mark of Spring's arrival in your case??

-Ciao Amarettogirl


New Art Pieces for Azucarera NYC 

As promised I'm showing an update on the art work I've been making for the gallery show coming up on April 10th. The opening will be Saturday the 10th from 7-9pm.

For those of you who don't know what I'm working on, these pieces are exploring aspects of self and manifestations of the animalistic parts of our nature.

My newest piece detail shot in progress photo and art by marisol diaz New Painting by marisol diaz Pan detail new work by marisol diaz Black Leopard IN PROGRESS by marisol diaz foxhead phase 1 new art by marisol diaz Foxhead phase2 painting by marisol diazFoxhead detail painting and photo by marisol diaz


Yesterday I took a break from painting, did some spring cleaning and had some friends come over for an Anti- Bahamas gathering. I received an AWESOME pen pal letter and gift in the mail that I will be sure to blog about this week.

The GIVEAWAY is only 4 days away!! So be sure you're up to date with all your commenting ;9

I'm also working on updating my website so that some of my art can be purchased as prints directly from here:)) Hopefully, there will soon be a SHOP NOW! button.

But right now the SUN is screaming my name so I'm off to absorb some of her healing rays!

Today's question - If you had to choose, what Animal do you associate yourself with??

-Ciao Amarettogirl


Emerging Artists who Caught My Eye Part III

The last artist at the Wesleyan University senior thesis art exhibit that caught my eye was installation artist Eric Bissell, whose thesis was entitled 'Here is Expansive'. When first walking through the gallery I almost missed his work entirely since only the back of the installation (a concrete slab) can be seen until you walk around the whole piece.

For those of you not familiar with installation art, I like to explain it as site specific work (in which an area or space really dictates the formation of the piece) that is often three-dimensional and engaging the viewer in more than a visual manner, in a more conceptual manner. One goal being to alter the perceptions, including the human senses (acoustic, tactile, etc.,) of how a viewer interacts with the art. Changing that age old dogma of removed viewer/on looker of art to a full participant.

Eric Bissell's Installation entitled Here is Expansive photo by m.diaz

This particular piece is a video projection of the ocean's shore on a series of mirrored doors. You can walk right on up to the projection, hear the waves and step into the sand right there in the gallery. Although this work is more conceptually driven than what you may be used to, the manner in which you are moved within the space is very powerful.

Lorena infront of Eric Bissell's piece photo by m. diazA photo with flash causing an absence of Eric Bissell's projection

Another piece that was quite effective in Eric's thesis was the following one in which a pedestal covered in sand had a variety of war images projected onto it. The viewer was encouraged to 'play' with or move the sand by the presence of a little plastic hand held shovel. The images projected onto the sand changed with time.

Another interactive piece by Eric BissellThat same piece with a demonstration of the movable sand

There was one more piece in Eric's thesis but the gallery had closed and artist arrived to break down and move out their art. It was a sofa set in front of a television set playing what appeared to be an interview with a soldier. However, I was very fortunate to meet Eric and get his pic for this post.

Eric Bissell with his work photo by m. diaz Here I am with former students Lorena Estrella and Nikki Long

Well I hope you enjoyed this little foray into the fine art world and remember one of my personal goals is to blur the intellectual snobbery line between fine art and craft and appreciate makers and thinkers alike for their vast interdisciplinary talents.


Ok here is the LAST of the art connoisseur posts. I'm holding out without turning to anti-biotics but I may have to give in- anyone who gets this as much as I do realizes quick that anti-biotics aren't a good thing to always turn to- nor do they always help. Today may be our first day of no rain in three or four days (yesterday was torrrential again) and I'm hoping to liven my spirits by having an informal ANTI- Bahamas party (since most of the seniors where I teach are currently sitting pretty in the Bahamas).

I've also been doing a lot of new work for the Azucarera exhibit and I think its fine time I gave you all a sneak peek again (tomorrow). I've also been thinking a lot about loyalty and whether or not its a characteristic that plays much of a role in people's lives anymore. I wanted to ask you all about it. Do you feel it passionately often, or does it kick in only once in a while? Does it have its price for you or is part of your cognitive make up? Just curious :))

Ciao- Amarettogirl


Emerging Artists who Caught My Eye Part II

The second artist that caught my eye during the Wesleyan Senior thesis exhibit was Nicolina Baxter. Her thesis show was entitled 'Flay' and I only got to see her in passing while she walked in the gallery at closing time to break down the exhibit.

Her sculptural forms are another aspect of my artistic tastes and motivations, that many don't know about me, since in a past life I sculpted as much as I painted! Nicolina's work is figurative yet by its very segmented state also abstracted which makes it even more intriguing. I loved the lay out, expanse and visceral feeling of the 'skin' she developed. In regards to the 'skin', I'm a sucker for clever and varied uses of materials and I'm suspecting this is an ingenious use of mold-making latex.

Nicolina Baxter's senior thesis FLAY photo by m.diaz Nicolina Baxter's thesis exhibit FLAY detail Nicolina Baxter's senior thesis Flay detail photo by m. diaz

As part of the exhibit there was also a 'voyeur box' which I've made use of in my work in the past - love them and when you looked through the peep hole you are somewhat assaulted with an up close and intimate red/orange hue of fingers moving quickly to peel back the 'skin'.

As I stated earlier I only got to see Nicolina as the gallery was closing. And since I only had a chance to say 'I really enjoyed your work' to her as I was walking out of the building, I couldn't take a photo of her besides it like I did with the others. So I managed to scoop her fb pic up - hope she doesn't mind (its a great pic anyway!)

Nicolina Baxter Pic from her FB page profile View through Nicolina Baxter's voyeur box photo by m.diaz Nicolina Baxter's senior thesis Flay detail photo by m.diaz

For all of you concerned I've had chronic bronchitis my whole life (since a child) and any cold often turns right into the bronchitis. However, since I received a flu shot this year, I managed to stave off getting any bout of bronchitis until now...I guess the vaccine wore off. NO worries, I will survive!

Now the next artist and last artist from this trip is drastically different and another real treat so stay tuned!

As for my work, its coming along (though slowly) I think I'll have to share another progress report with you soon.

I'm sad I've been neglecting my Etsy shop and crafting these days, but I can only do so much with two hands...but Oh how I wish I had more!! Ok so heres a dive from serious art connoisseur to silly question time! Yeah, I would want more hands and a ceaseless pool of energy!- SO YOUR TURN- tell me if you had a superhero power what would it be???

- Ciao Amarettogirl

Emerging Artists who Caught My Eye Part I 

Seeing as I haven't been feeling well these days (looks like what I thought was a cold or developing allergies may be turning into my chronic bronchitis again- but I'm still fighting it), the hub thought it would be nice to take a drive up to Connecticut to see the last hour of the senior thesis art exhibit of one of my former students, Lorena Estrella. Lorena is currently a double major (Latin American Studies and Printmaking) and is now the second of my students who took printmaking with me in high school and went on to major in it in college. If that's not good medicine, I don't know what is!

Lorena is about to graduate Wesleyan University. While there I got to see another former student of both my hubs and I, Nikki Long (psych major) and we got to see other artists in the senior thesis show. The two others (along with Lorena's that really caught my eye) are Nicolina Baxter and Eric Bissell. There were others exhibiting, but had I walked into that space in any New York City gallery these three are the ones I would have photographed for you anyway. So here is part I of three post- each is very different so stay tuned.

Lorena Estrella with her senior thesis prints entitled 'ataduras' Lorena's ataduras print photo by m.diazLorena's ataduras print photo by m.diaz Lorena in the printmaking studio displaying her drawerLorena's matrix from one of her prints

Yes, the Giveaway is still going strong (i'm amazed!) and April 4th is almost here!

-ciao Amarettogirl